Healing Workshops


A healing workshop is the fast track to making a leap forward in your life.

Transform your life and invest in yourself. Make this a year of your rebirth and take a giant leap forward!

A healing workshop is the most graceful way to transform your life.

The most important person in your life is you, and your healing helps you and those you love. Invest in yourself and make this a year of your rebirth.

Pam facilitates healing workshops on a regular basis.

Pam has a great sense of humour, so there’s lots of fun and laughter on her workshops, as well as tears that open the heart. (Tissues are supplied!)

These workshops are magical and full of compassion, so isn’t it time to win your heart back and live your soul’s purpose?

7 Benefits to attending a healing workshop:

  1. You’ll win your heart back and reclaim your power.
  2. You’ll learn about the relevance of age and understand how major problems that keep repeating are holding you back.
  3. You’ll learn how to access these unconscious patterns into conscious awareness and have the keys to change them.
  4. You’ll have insights into the lives of the people that seemed to have caused you pain.
  5. You’ll have more energy, be more alive and available. As a result your relationships will be happier and more successful.
  6. You’ll make new friends.
  7. You’ll feel lighter. People feel and often look years younger afterwards, as years of stress are shed and burdens lifted.

Pam has been facilitating workshops since 2000. She has been trained by Chuck and Lency Spezzano co-founders of Psychology of Vision.

Her workshops all embody the spiritual healing principles of POV which is based on A Course in Miracles.

This healing model has transformed thousands of people’s lives worldwide and is Pam’s calling.

Friendships are formed that can last a lifetime because of the depth and power of the healing and the connection that takes place- even in a few days!

People feel and often look years younger afterwards. Years of stress are shed and burdens lifted. They all embody the healing principles of Psychology of Vision that have transformed Pam’s life.

A Few Testimonials

Take a look at what people are saying after participating in the healing workshops.

“Pam Carruthers workshops are the most remarkable workshops that I have taken part in for many years. She is skillful, committed, compassionate, persistent and successful.

The Psychology of Vision model she has trained in, has many of the most useful aspects of modern humanistic psychology, and in addition has an almost shamanistic aspect in its use of drawing symbolic cards, apparently at random, to create what follows.

After a theoretical introduction, there is discussion of specific issues related to the participants. In forming and sustaining relationships, early family events are key. The workshop moves into a psycho-drama, where we can go back to a crucial early situation, and meet those people in the drama again, in a deep way. These characters also represent parts of ourselves. Key changes are brought about.

To travel this far for a one day workshop is unusual, and shows the amount of dedication and trust Pam can draw out of the participants. If you are serious about moving issues that affect your current life, then go to these workshops. Many participants come from far away. We are very lucky to have Pam on our doorstep in Brighton. She is a gem, an absolute star.” Once again, thanks very much for yesterday. Paul Tofts

“I attended the workshop with Pam ‘Reclaim Your Power and Your Passion’ and have since experienced a significant positive shift in my life and business. Results from the workshop were almost instant. I returned home to find my twin had phoned and left a message, (the first contact for nearly two months); my energy levels improved; and I had new business clients phoning every day for the next week! Thank you so much for your insight and caring facilitation. You offer something very special and unique.” Penny B

“I thought you were inspired on the workshop! You were insightful, flexible, caring and creative (and lots more besides!) Thank you for holding us and helping us all to learn and heal. There was a special energy, great attention given and a sense of integrity. Well played and thank you!” Richard Farr

“Pam’s ability to give love and compassion gave me the strength to go to my core fears. She has an amazing gifts to bring and gives to all.” Lorna P

“I am feeling really peaceful and happy today so I wanted to thank you for this weekend. I felt really touched by your generosity and everyone’s stories and trust in the group. You made me realise that I have gifts which I need to treasure and that a lot of them come from my mother whom I now feel a more positive connection with. Thank you for leading the workshop with such grace, humour and insight. You truly are an inspiration.” Nadege

“Thank you again, very much, for a truly wonderful and memorable weekend. My process went a big step further for me than other work I’ve done and really got to the core of what’s been messing me up. And it was strange but great, a relief to finally not be allowed to get away with my usual pantomimes and evasive manoeuvres! It was very helpful that you could feel that I went unconscious during my process as an avoiding mechanism, which I’ve done many times in my life, but with the support from you and the group I was able to really engage and make use of the perfectly created opportunity to release some old stuff  is such a relief!”  Judith B

“We don’t service our car once, then congratulate ourselves on a job well done and leave it till it falls apart, but we have a tendency to do that with our spirits. A HUGE shift has taken place. I now have the head space to create and meet my next set of goals. Heaven! Pam’s strength, guidance and delicious sense of humour provides a safe and energetic environment, just perfect for our spiritual tune up!” Philippa

“Thank you so much for a very enlightening two days. You were so generous with your time and I really appreciated that. You have really helped my family. Thank you so much.” Sue