Aries Spring Equinox: Reclaim Your Power

The Aries Spring Equinox 2025 is on March 20th at 9.01am GMT and marks a time of change, a turning point of the year as the Sun moves into the first sign of the zodiac. Its a time to reclaim your power.
It’s the astrological New Year and marks a time of change, a turning point of the year.
At the equinoxes the Sun crosses the equator, and we have equal day and night. Equinox comes from the Latin “aequus”/equal and “nox”/night.
In the tarot Aries is the The Emperor card. In the Osho Zen tarot it appears as The Rebel.
“The Rebel Osho Zen Tarot is a powerful and influential person in this card who embraces his destiny. Moreover, on his shoulder is the symbol of the sun, the torch he holds in his right hand which symbolizes the light of truth he struggles to gain. Regardless of whether the rich or the poor, this Rebel is truly an emperor since he broke the shackles of the shackles and oppressive ideology of society.”
Cardinal signs means Action
It’s important to know that Aries is the first cardinal sign of the zodiac, which signifies action.
Since Venus The Goddess, Mercury The Messenger and Chiron The Wounded Healer are in Aries and Mars The Warrior is in Cancer, cardinal energy is now being activated.
Mars is now direct, and forms really positive connections to Saturn and Uranus.
Plus Jupiter is rising in the sky set for the UK.
Neptune will move into Aries on March 30th.
The Cosmos is giving us a loud warning that its imperative that we change, transform and evolve.
This involves a process of metamorphosis just like the caterpillar dissolves in its cocoon to emerge as a butterfly.
This is similar to the process of moving from the Ego to the Higher Mind.
In nature it’s easy and it can be the same with us, if we don’t resist! However the ego will fight, and fear is its biggest weapon.
Always remember that true power comes from the source- the Sun, the star at our centre and the divine spirit within us all.
Since we are now in the energy of the cardinal sign of Aries, as seen by the change of season -this is a time of action.
This is a time to set goals that are realistic, and being witnessed by others really makes a difference in achieving them.
A Personal Note
I used to work as the Art Director on The Sunday Telegraph- a national broadsheet newspaper in the Uk- between 1989 and 1992.
When there was news that was so important and life changing the editor would say “Hold The Front Page”. It happened on the Saturday night that was the start of the breakdown of the Soviet Union.
I woke a few nights ago with those same words as I saw what was about to happen on March 30th this month.
That is why the time we are living in is life changing.
I encourage us that we all need to take action and Hold The Front Page of our lives. It time for dramatic change.
Please join me at 7pm on March 20th GMT for my 2 Hour MasterClass via Zoom.
Its free, however if you wish to make a donation please click here.
To find out more how important this Aries Equinox is please Sign up for my MasterClass.
Spiritual Coaching
The issues that are trapping you are rooted in the past and are the source of your present day problems.
Old wounds and heartbreaks need healing, especially those wounds we encountered in our family of birth. In her coaching Pam explores these issues with clients as they can often be seen in the birth chart in relationship to the Moon and the karmic axis. Chiron, the archetype of the Wounded Healer along with Saturn are two key planets to understand.
If your answer is yes, then a coaching session- or a series- with me using process cards can help. I work with the Psychology of Vision Triangle model by Chuck and Lency Spezzano.
This is a road map of key issues you’ll be facing at any one time. The coaching is to support you transform soul patterns to embrace your soul level gifts. The unconscious mind is the soul mind, the original mind, the deep mind.
This is the mythical mind used in archetypes, symbols and magic. Typically we cover this over age 7 through fear as we have no emotional defense. Astrologically this is the age when have the first Saturn square.
Your soul story is what you have brought in from a prior lifetime. As a Soul Astrologer Pam can reveal it to you by her insightful interpretation of your astrological birth chart, with a focus on the 12th house and the karmic axis in your birth chart.
Pam will help you explore the reasons that are stopping you from moving forward in your life right now.
This is an ideal time to consider a coaching session to deal with the issues that are currently coming to the forefront of your life. Pam works very effectively via Zoom. See Spiritual Life Coaching
Have a wonderful Spring Equinox, blessings,
Pam x
Hi Pam, I would like to join your course on Thursday.