Lunar Eclipse June 2011
June 15th 2011 was a 100 minute Lunar Eclipse that happened across the Galactic Centre, an auspicious event. It connects us to the Great Awakening of 21st December 2012.
On July 19th 2013 the Sun and Jupiter join to oppose the Galactic Centre re-awakening this energy.
Just what is your connection to the Galactic centre?
This June Lunar eclipse activates the Galactic Centre and the Pleiades. This is the signature of the Awakening of 2012. The Galactic Ambassadors – Alice Bailey, Al Gore, George Lucas, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and many more, are channels, connected to ‘other worlds’.”
The Galactic Centre is the source of radio waves, a place where stars are being born and we are in a time zone over the next few weeks of being able to listen in to this higher frequency.
[jbox color=”yellow”]Charles Harvey said “Just as the Sun relates to our sense of purpose in life, the Galactic Centre relates to the higher purpose for mankind.”[/jbox]
Total Lunar Eclipse
The first lunar eclipse of 2011 lasts 100 minutes. The last eclipse to exceed this duration was in July 2000.
The effect of a lunar eclipse is up to six weeks in our consciousness and the degree – 24 Gemini and 24 Sagittarius are very sensitive to transits.
Venus passes over this degree on June 30th 2011 affecting issues of self value, money and relationships.
Mars will transit over this point on 25th/26th July 2011 so it will activate whatever was brought to light on June 15th. Mars is the planet of war, but also our sexuality, drive and inner warrior.
On July 19th 2013 the Sun and Jupiter join to oppose the Galactic Centre re-awakening this energy. Jupiter stays close until 24th June. Then Mars will pass to oppose the Galactic Centre between July 6th-11th 2013.
The Awakening
The Mayans described the end of time, but not the end of the world. How we relate to time is changing and quantum physics proves what mystics have always known about consciousness. We are in a paradigm shift.
The Mayan Calendar and Ahau
The Mayan Oracle describes this star glyph as being ‘ Union, wholeness, ascension, unconditional love, Christ consciousness, solar mastery, limitless bliss”. It is connected to the Great Solar Sun, which to the Mayans was The Galactic Centre. They believed it was the Source and birth place of our Sun. The mantra for Ahau is “I am that I am… I Am that I Am… I Am that I Am.” This is the Centre, our Solar Home and the Great Central Sun.
Ever since I’ve owned these books I have turned to them as a source of rich and amazing information about other worlds.
The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner is a rich source that tells describes the 20 Mayan star glyphs. Buy along with Mayan Calendar Birthday Book to find out the star glyph for your birthday.
The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars (Book, 44 Cards, 20 Mayan Star Glyphs, 13 Numbers,and 11 Lenses of Mystery)