Wolf Full Moon in Leo. Wolf: Teacher, Pathfinder, Moon-dog of my Soul Wolf Full Moon in Leo- This Wolf Moon is the Teacher and Pathfinder- What’s your Vision for Leading the Way? Firstly, I want
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Capricorn New Moon- Commit to the Truth

Capricorn New Moon This Capricorn New Moon in powerful, transformational and serious as it joins Pluto, God of the Underworld and Mercury-which has now retrograded back into Capricorn. This creates a stellium of 4 planets
Read moreWhat 7 KEY EVENTS make the first week in January 2016 truly significant?

Happy New Year! In my YouTube I describe the 7 Key Events that make this first week in January 2016 truly significant:- Jan 2nd Mercury moves into Aquarius-briefly. Jan 4th Mars moves into Scorpio Jan
Read moreWinter Solstice Ritual 2015

Winter Solstice Ritual Perform on December 22nd in the UK after sunset Fire is the natural element of the Sun, so lighting candles symbolizes the arrival of the light and the rebirth of the Sun
Read moreSagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius New Moon inspires us to heal the Spiritual Wound A New Moon is a seed for the next month. This Sagittarius New Moon is fiery and asks us to be inspired, to look
Read moreGemini Full Moon- Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed at the Gemini Full Moon? At the Gemini full moon on November 25th, Saturn makes a tense angle- a square to Neptune. This can result in stress and a possible overwhelm
Read moreFeeling Edgy at the Scorpio New Moon?

Feeling Edgy at the Scorpio New Moon? The reason is simple -Mars (the co-ruler of Scorpio) is at the last degree of Virgo- the sign of perfectionism. When things aren’t going right it’s all too
Read moreFeeling Over Emotional at the Taurus Full Moon?

A SuperMoon can trigger emotional volatility This is a very beautiful Taurus Full Moon and best understood by looking at the stellium of Mars, Venus and Jupiter in Virgo. Please watch my YouTube video as
Read moreWish Upon A Star-or 3!

Take time this week to Wish Upon a Star-for what you really, really want! If you wake up before dawn, you have a real treat in store. Look to the east in the morning sky
Read moreFeeling the Buzz? Libra New Moon opposite Uranus

The New Moon in Libra is opposite electrifying Uranus Having a hard time sleeping? Is your mind buzzing with new ideas? A New Moon is the seed for the coming month, so seeing the connections
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