Compassion and the Power of Meditation We are approaching the dark of the moon, when the Moon is invisible in the sky. It’s a time of rest, contemplation and going within. Cancer is a nurturing
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Healing Your Heart Day 12: ‘First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’

Songs for Healing Your Heart- A Channel for Grace In healing numerology, 12 is the number for the ‘cosmic showgirl or showboy’. It’s being a channel for Heaven, bringing in a new level of communication
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Songs for Healing Your Heart- Hope and Joy In healing numerology, 11 is the number for leadership and also a new level of partnership, as it adds up to 2, the partnership number. When we
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Songs for Healing Your Heart- Angels In healing numerology, 10 is the number for birth. It is said that at our birth the angels cry, and at our death they sing. This song was played
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Songs for Healing Your Heart- Letting Go In healing numerology, 9 is the number for letting go. As it takes 9 calendar months for a baby to be born, then this number precedes a birth.
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Songs for Healing Your Heart- Gratitude In healing numerology, 8 is the number for abundance. This song is upbeat and the lyrics are full of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful spiritual healing
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True Heroism The Sun in Cancer sets off the square of Pluto with Uranus which we have seen in the world as the breakdown of financial institutions, the Arab Spring and the rise of revolution
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Songs for Healing Your Heart- Grace 7 is a spiritual number, a time for going within, to ask what our heart most desires for healing any old wounds. ‘Amazing Grace’ is so well known, yet
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Songs for Healing Your Heart- Faith I love songs from movies as they carry an extra meaning. If you saw the movie ‘PS I Love You’ then you’ll recognise this song. Bittersweet, the film tells
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Songs for Healing Your Heart. Some songs have a true message that is memorable. This is such a song. It’s beautifully sung and written by Sophie Michalitsianos. ‘Spiritual’ songs that are not sentimental are hard
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