Songs for Healing Your Heart: The Spiritual Warrior. Whenever I hear this song I get goosebumps, especially when I hear the word ‘shalom’ which mean peace. In the movie The Gladiator Russel Crowe plays the
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Healing Your Heart Day 2: ‘Proud’

Songs for Healing Your Heart. Today I am sharing the song ‘Proud’ which was published in 2000 but is so gorgeous it always make my spirits soar. As Mars is travelling close to the Sun
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Songs for Healing Your Heart. Today I am sharing a song which has haunted me ever since I saw ‘Attraction’- a group of shadow dancers from Hungary – on Britain’s Got Talent way back in
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Songs for Healing Your Heart Our soul’s purpose is for us to be happy, and connected to our hearts. In healing your heart, music speaks directly to the soul. Over the next 19 days I
Read moreWorld Humanitarian Day- Beyonce and Inspiration for the soul

Uplift your spirits and hear Beyonce sing ‘I was here’ This is what living your soul’s purpose is all about. This video with Beyonce singing live, is truly captivating. The words of the song ‘I
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Kevin Costner’s tribute to Whitney Houston touched a chord in me about feeling not good enough. Kevin Costner waited a year for her to finish touring so she could star in his movie, The Bodyguard.
Read moreCapricorn Full Moon: Transforming the Shadow

Transforming the Shadow Pam discusses the importance of transformation at the Capricorn Full Moon July 2nd. The Full Moon joins Pluto, and is opposite the Sun with Mars. This is a dynamic and potentially destructive
Read moreSummer Solstice

Summer Solstice and a Time for Letting Go June 21st is the day when the Sun moves into the emotional water sign of Cancer. It is connected to the Archangel Gabriel, Protector of the South.
Read moreLiving Your Purpose – Reclaiming Your Power

How much power do you have in your life? Living your purpose is your function here in earth. To fully engage with your soul purpose you need to win your heart back, and you need
Read moreAwakening to Oneness

Our Home Neptune, the planet that connects us to Universal Love, went retrograde on June 12th 2015 at 9 degrees of Pisces. Neptune is where we feel the connection with others whom we might never
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