A Week Full of Miracles at the Gemini New Moon. This is a week full of miracles as Jupiter trines Uranus on June 22nd. This is called ‘Thank The Lord’ as it heralds a relief
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Magic in the Air- Awaken to your Miracle

Are you ready for a Miracle? On June 22nd 2015 we have an electrifying connection -a Trine- between Jupiter and Uranus in the fire signs Leo and Aries. Did you know that planets are associated
Read moreAre you living your Soul Purpose?

Your soul purpose is uniquely yours, you feel inspired – it thrills and excites you. It’s the very thing that you’ve come to do in your life. So, if it’s so good, why aren’t we
Read moreManifesting Abundance and Divine Feminine

Venus is the Goddess of Love and also rules money In astrology Venus naturally rules the 2nd house of income and self value. It governs the signs of Taurus and Libra. How we value ourselves
Read moreSun and Mars join in Gemini

Sun and Mars in Gemini- Beware putting your foot in your mouth! This week has 2 main themes. The first is that the Sun and Mars are joining-on Sunday June 14th at 16.58 BST to
Read moreSagittarius Full Moon

June starts with a Sagittarius Full Moon This Sagittarius full moon is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of joy, jubilation, abundance and faith. All the good things in life. Although the Moon is close the
Read moreMercury Retrograde in Gemini: Healing Neptune’s problems

https://youtu.be/_SQTrBeATlI Want to know why this Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is so tough? Put simply put- Mars and Neptune are involved. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, or caught up wth perfectionism only to find that
Read moreThe Neptune Factor at the First Quarter Moon

Tune into Neptune Neptune is the key player this week as we see 3 planets transiting through Gemini squaring off against it. Allow time to meditate and allow feelings to surface rather than push them
Read moreFeminine Leadership Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson ran for congress in 2014 Marianne is a spiritual teacher of A Course in Miracles, an established author and workshop leader. I have seen her many times over the years and she is
Read moreTaurus New Moon

The Taurus New Moon connects us to Venus Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Plus this Taurus New Moon is close to the mystical constellation of the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters.
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