Mercury and Venus Change Signs. After the dramas of the last few weeks and the tension that built as Mars joined Saturn this week is a relatively easy one. Two planets change sign this week.
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Virgo New Moon-Calling All Angels

Time to Move Forward: Mars conjuncts Saturn at the Virgo New Moon At the Virgo New Moon we have many planetary combinations. First to become exact just hours later is Mars joining Saturn , releasing
Read moreWish Upon A Star- Venus joins Jupiter

August 18th Venus joins Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Leo. This happens every year, however this year the two pair so close together they may appear as one. “They will be so close together
Read moreAugust Supermoon in Aquarius -Have you been playing small?

Use the Super Full Moon energy to trust in yourself This is a challenging supermoon in Aquarius as it makes a square to Saturn in Scorpio. We are all being asked to push through resistance
Read moreAugust 4th Week Ahead- Mercury in Leo

httpv:// Mercury in Leo is the planet to watch this week. Leo is the sign of royalty, and the shadow is the belief that – as the King – everyone should bow down and worship
Read moreMars into Scorpio
httpv:// Passion Ignites Mars into Scorpio July 26th at 02.25UT (3.25BST) This is a yet another major shift of energy for all 12 signs as Mars is the planet of action. It has been in
Read moreJuly 21st Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Scorpio moves direct- Have you been feeling frustrated? The major news this week is Saturn is finally turning direct after 4 months retrograde. Saturn went retrograde on March 3rd at 23 degrees Scorpio
Read moreJupiter in Leo

httpv:// Astrology of the Week Ahead July 14-21-Jupiter in Leo The biggest event this week is that Jupiter moves into Leo on Wednesday July 16th for the next 12 months. Jupiter is the most beneficial
Read moreJuly 7th Week Ahead- The Grand Cardinal Cross

Grand Cardinal Cross reactivated by the Sun in Cancer Think back to April. Events then are being re-activated. The trine this week between the Sun, Chiron and Saturn is the perfect time for healing old
Read moreMercury Direct: Astro Week ahead June 30th-July 7th

The main news this week is Mercury direct on Tuesday 1st July at 24 degrees Gemini. At last we end the series of retrogrades of the personal planets that have been with us since January.
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