Based in Brighton UK, Pam Carruthers is a healing astrologer who watches the tao, the unfolding of process as seen through the messages that the stars reveal.
She can help you understand – and heal – the hidden patterns that are holding you back in your life, and help you change the story of your life.
Personal Healing Journey
“My life changed dramatically in 1992 when I was 42. I made a major life transition as I changed career. From being at the top of my profession as an Art Director on The Sunday Telegraph Newspaper, I launched into my true vocation as an astrologer, healer and seminar leader.
The death of my father in April 1992 had made me aware of a deep discontent with my life. I felt numb. My relationships weren’t working and I knew I had reached a glass ceiling in my career.

Without knowing at the time, I had started on a spiritual journey. I went on a couple of workshops with the founders of Psychology of Vision, Chuck and Lency Spezzano in London. Then a month later I signed up for 2 courses stretching over 2 months with them in Hawaii. On those courses (totalling 35 days) I was able to heal my birth story and the relationship with my mother.
I have continued training with Psychology of Vision since that day, and can honestly say that it has transformed my life.
This path has taken me many times to the exotic islands of Hawaii, the mountains and forests of Vancouver and eventually, India. My search was to understand my life and to find peace of mind.
Discovering Astrology as my soul purpose
Back in 1993, after leaving my career, I started to study many subjects- painting, massage, pottery and astrology. I joined The Breakthrough Centre and was inspired to go on a workshop on Intuition. To my amazement I had an ‘Aaha’ experience and was told ‘you’ll be a great astrologer’.
It was like winning the lottery, the finger from Heaven saying ‘yes, you’. In that moment I surrendered to the Muse of astrology. As every astrologer knows, this is no easy task. It’s a full time study. There is always more to discover. Astrology encompasses astronomy, philosophy, psychology and mythology. It stretches the mind and the imagination and it changes perception.

Vedic Astrology
I was led to study Vedic astrology through friendship. I met Kay, a Canadian woman, at The Astrology Eclipse Conference in Plymouth in 1999. Our shared experience of the eclipse was profound and deeply meaningful. Trusting my friend, I travelled to the Vedic Conference in Sedona, Arizona in January 2000. There I opened up to the joys of an astrology which speaks to my heart and soul. Jyotish means ‘the science of light’.
A professional Astrologer since 1994, I work extensively via Zoom or in person with my clients.
- Certificate with the Faculty of Astrological Studies 1994 in Western Astrology.
- Associate of Arts in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) in 2001.
- Qualified as an NLP Practitioner in 1998
- Psychology of Vision Trainer 2001-2009
- Lectured at the International Conference for the British Association of Vedic Astrology (BAVA) on numerous occasions.
- Regular Speaker for Brighton and Hove Astrology Circle since 2003.
Positions Held:
- On the committee as Membership Secretary and the webmaster for British Association of Vedic Astrology – BAVA.
- 2013-2014 President of Toastmasters Brighton and Hove Speakers Club.
My work as a coach and trainer has a solid spiritual/psychological foundation. It is based on my training with Chuck and Lency Spezzano, co-founders of Psychology of Vision. This work is based on A Course in Miracles. Since 1994 I have had over 450 residential days of professional training in transformational healing processes.
My vision is that all can be awakened to their Spirit, to their true beauty. For everyone to step into their true self and shine their inner light would be Heaven on Earth.
To work with the stars is to touch the face of the gods and goddesses, to connect with the ancient stories of the sky. It’s a never ending quest to find out how the psyche, the soul of the Universe works!
And just as every person is unique, so every birth chart is a blueprint, a map of the soul’s journey in this lifetime.
My work is all about being in service, healing, and becoming whole and happy. It took me until I was 42 years old to start this journey- you needn’t wait that long! The spiritual path has become easier and quicker as time is speeding up and there is more Grace available to us now. Through the power of intention, the unfinished business of the past can be completed and resolved.
Now, whenever I think of my parents, I feel joy and deep gratitude for all the lessons they taught me. My heart is full of love for them. As my mentor Chuck Spezzano says “It’s never too late too have a happy childhood”.
My healing workshops, Soul Astrology Consultations and Spiritual Coaching are aimed at transformation and reclaiming your power.
I’d love to get to know you through my newsletters and webinars, so sign up today,