The Winter Solstice is a turning point in the Year
The Full Moon in Cancer is just hours after the Winter Solstice when the Sun moved into Capricorn.
It’s a turning point in the Year when we celebrate the return of the light- the Sun -to the northern hemisphere and the days get longer.
This shift takes about 3 days. It’s a time for going within.
As it’s a time of change, a change of season, what does this mean for you?
Capricorn’s symbol is the mountain goat who climbs to the top of the mountain. This is the time of year for us all to recognise this symbolism. Time to appreciate what we have achieved in our lives.
With Mercury and Jupiter both in Sagittarius, the planets are asking many questions. What are your true values?
Turning points are times of change and in astrology connect us to the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn that rule the 4 elements of fire, water, air and earth in that order. Cardinal means to initiate and they relate to the 4 seasons.
Capricorn is an earth sign, so connects us to the material world and to our four senses of smell, taste, sound and vision.
The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn. It is now travelling through Capricorn where it is strong and can manifest its best intentions. It entered Capricorn last year on 21st December and stays for approx. two and a half years.
Saturn asks us to be responsible, to commit to what we value and see it through to the end.
Saturn requires effort to learn our lessons. Its where we are professional, have integrity and ethics. The shadow is procrastination.
Read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield for a brilliant insight into this process. He writes:-
“Are you a born writer? Were you put on earth to be a painter, a scientist, an apostle of peace? In the end the question can only be answered by action.
Do it or don’t do it.
It may help to think of it this way. If you were meant to cure cancer or write a symphony or crack cold fusion and you don’t do it, you not only hurt yourself, even destroy yourself,. You hurt your children. You hurt me. You hurt the planet.
You shame the angels who watch over you and you spite the Almighty, who created you and only you with your unique gifts, for the sole purpose of nudging the human race one millimeter farther along its path back to God.
Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.”
― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles
Capricorn and your successes

Capricorn’s symbol is the mountain goat who climbs to the top of the mountain. This is the time of year for us all to recognise this symbolism.
Appreciate what you have achieved in your life. Write down a list of these successes. They can be a a simple as winning the egg and spoon race when you were a kid. (Yes that dates me!)
Birth comes from labour. The gift is the child, the book, the new website.
Jupiter, the opposite energy can be easy come, easy go.
Embody and feel the energy and strength, the determination that is needed to achieve something that you’ve worked hard for. Relish in that achievement. You’ve earnt it!
With Mercury joining Jupiter in Sagittarius asking the right questions is vitally important.
Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius and is the quest is for truth.
Another book that I highly recommend is by Gregg Braden, entitled The Turning Point.
In it he asks 3 most important questions about relationships.
- Am I happy in this relationship?
- Is this a healthy relationship?
- Is it likely that things will improve?
I offer sessions helping couples in understanding what is going on for each of them using my skills as an astrologer and as my experience as a trainer with Psychology of Vision. Contact me to find out more>
In my video I look at how one tiny drone can affect thousands of people and shut down a major airport. The relevance is that the tiny planet Mercury can be The Trickster to outwit massive Jupiter.
More relevant is the importance of how each of us as individuals can make a difference
Over the last two years one man- Sir David Attenborough (Sun sign Taurus born 1926) -has made a massive impact on filming our oceans polluted with plastics in The Blue Planet. Rosa Parkes (Sun sign Aquarius), a woman whose stand against segregation is another person who comes to mind. Her story was recently featured on Dr Who. There are of course, many many, more.
One little book that may appeal is Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue. It’s a pocket guide for those of us who feel we don’t belong on this planet. She asks 30 highly perceptive questions. Find it on Amazon.
The stars are saying-Commit to what you believe in
- Mercury is now in Sagittarius. It is weak in that sign, so communications may be swayed by judgements that don’t consider the details and the facts. Mercury joins Jupiter at the Winter Solstice and Full Moon. It moves into Capricorn on January 5th 2019. (Note. It was wise of Theresa May to postpone the debate on Brexit. In January Mercury is stronger in Capricorn and aligned with the chart of the UK set for 1st January 1801.)
- Venus is now in Scorpio until January 7th 2019. Look back when Venus last entered Scorpio on September 9th until November 1st. What passions-or jealously- were awakened back then?
- Mars is now in Pisces until December 31st 2018. It contacts Chiron on 29th December in this period so you may feel overwhelmed and emotions may easily be triggered. Be aware of getting into fights! Mercury in Sagittarius can be righteous. The question is ‘do you want to be right or happy?’
- The Nodal axis shifted on November 16th into the Cancer/Capricorn axis. For the next 18 months eclipse will occur in these signs. This axis brings up issues with our family as Cancer is ruled by the Moon ( mother) and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn (father).
- Jupiter moved into Sagittarius on November 8th where it stays until December 2nd 2019. This is hugely beneficial for all the fire signs- Sagittarians, Aries and Leos.
Please watch my YouTube video for some enlightening insights into this Cancer Full Moon and feel free to share this newsletter with your friends
blessings for a very Happy Christmas,