FREE MasterClass-Event of the Year: Mars Retrograde in Aquarius

Mars Retrograde in Aquarius An Illustrated Presentation by Pam Carruthers.

This year Mars will be travelling in Aquarius for almost 6 months. This is a rare event that only happened twice in the last century!  In this MasterClass find out what that means for you.

Mars is the principle of fight or flight. It’s our adrenaline- our survival at an instinctive level.

In our birth chart it’s our willingness to fight for what we want. It can be healthy competition or power struggles and a full-scale war!

The questions to ask of your Mars:

What battles must I face? How can I sharpen my will?

On this MasterClass:-

  • Discover what Mars in Aquarius means in your birth chart
  • What the Mars retrograde period signifies
  • Learn from history when this last occurred
  • Some famous people with Mars in Aquarius-Genius or Rebel?
  • Healing the Power Struggle -A Guided Process

DATE June 19th 2018 at 7.30pm BST for approx. 60 mins.

Attend live as questions will be taken at the end of the presentation. If you don’t know your birth chart go to for a free chart.

Sign up here for the Free MasterClass Event of the Year Mars Retrograde in Aquarius