New Moon and Making a Wish List
Following the lunar cycle is deeply rewarding and sometimes its not easy to find the correct dates in advance.
Starting in November 0 degrees of the zodiac is activated at the Full Moons right up until April 2019.
The New Moons are seeding times when we can set our best intentions, our wishes.
They make not come true at the Full Moon, but many months ahead.
These aren’t the same as affirmations. Once made they don’t need to be seen, however don’t throw them away.
The best time to make your wishes is up to 8 hours AFTER the time of the New Moon , but they can be made up to 48 hours later.
Wishes are best handwritten, as something magical flows through that doesn’t occur when we type. You can write more than one wish, but no more than 10 as that dilutes the energy.
A wish cannot affect another person’s behaviour, however well intentioned.
Use the words that most suit you. The wording must be clearly stated. Use your intuition. Some examples are:-
- I want/wish to easily find myself attracted to…..
- I want/wish all blocks about …… be easily lifted from me.
- I want/wish the fear of abandonment totally lifted from me.
Many thanks to Jan Spiller from her book New Moon Astrology for this invaluable information.
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