The Full Moon in Libra-Opposites Attract
The Full Moon activates the lovers-Venus and Mars. Venus is in her own earth sign of Taurus, Mars is in the water sign of Cancer, so they are compatible as the elements of earth and water get along. These planets relate to the feminine and masculine. Libra is of course the scales of justice.
Chiron and Old Wounds
Chiron the archetype of the Wounded Healer is also activated at this Full Moon in Libra. Old wounds need healing, especially those wounds we encountered in our family of birth. In my coaching I explore these issues with clients as they can often be seen in the birth chart in relationship to the Moon and the karmic axis.
Venus is in Taurus The Lover
Venus is now an Evening Star. It entered Taurus on March 16th. It can be seen after dark as it rises higher in the night sky. Its an impressive sight. Venus is the diamond in the sky, so brighter than Jupiter.
On April 23rd-24th the crescent Moon will join Venus in the early evening sky. This is the most beautiful sight and in the story of Inanna it opens the Throat Chakra. Time for the Goddess to claim her voice, her power.

Mars is now in Cancer
Cancer is an emotional water sign ruled by the Moon, so its not a favourable place for fiery Mars which prefers Aries and Scorpio.
However it is a cardinal sign connected to the 4 turning points in the seasons. Cancer is the Summer Solstice.
Have the courage to feel your feelings and to be vulnerable. You actions may be driven by your heart. When you care about something you want you can get it.
One way to connect to your heart is with music. I recommend I Grieve by Peter Gabriel, Men are so easy by Neil Diamond and Wash Your Spirits Clean by Walela.
Cancer is a mothering energy, so my hope is that more compassion can be shown to our enemies, or at least a truce. In the Tarot Cancer is The Chariot.
Tad Mann’s affirmation for The Chariot is “I conquer my instincts and emotions with the intentions of my higher self and achieve physical goals.”
Looking ahead, Mars will move into Leo, a sign where it is strong on May 20th.
So my question is, how in balance are you with your feminine and masculine? Do you have any judgments about men or women?
If your answer is yes, then a coaching session with me using process cards can help. See this page for more information>
Saturn in Pisces
The most important event of the year started on March 7th when Saturn-Lord of Karma – enters Pisces for the next two and a half years.
Saturn gets a bad press as its nature is heavy representing gravity and reality. To work with Saturn is the key. In the Vedic system the remedy for Saturn is being of service and supporting charities through our direct involvement. Saturn rules time, so once we give of our time and effort we can reap the reward. It is also Mastery as the effort we put in makes us a master.
Key Dates April
- 3rd Mercury into Taurus
- 6th Libra Full Moon
- 11th Venus into Gemini, Jupiter joins the Sun in Aries-a positive boost of energy.
- 20th Sun into Taurus ruled by Venus in Gemini.
- 20th New Moon at the last degree of Aries, Solar Eclipse
- 21st Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus at 9.35 BST. It stays in Taurus until June 11th.
Jupiter is now direct. It is moving fast through Aries. It will move into Taurus for an entire year on May 16th until May 26th 2024. This is wonderful news for Taurus and Scorpio.
Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7th. This ends two and a half years of Saturn in Aquarius so comes as a welcome relief for all Aquarians and the other fixed signs of Leo and Scorpio. Water signs will benefit as will earth signs.
Think back approx 29 years to remember what was going on in your life back then. Its approx. February 1994-to April 1996. It’s a far gentler energy that it has been for the past 5 years! Saturn rules boundaries so can contain water with walls. Think of a swimming pool. This makes water and therefore emotions safe. It stays in Pisces until May 2025.
Uranus in Taurus is now direct activating 17 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy! (It went direct on January 22nd.)
Neptune The Dreamer is now direct. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition. Venus joins Neptune on February 15th– just in time for Valentines Day.
Pluto moved into Aquarius on March 23rd. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It moved into Aquarius briefly on March 23rd until June 11th 2023. However it only transits 0 degrees 22 mins Aquarius so not a major transit.

New Service: Guidance for the Year Ahead using astrology’s best kept secrets!
If you are struggling to find a theme for the year ahead for your business or personal life, then I can help.
Using the Solar Return chart along with your age tells you what your guardian angel-the planet/archetype that is in focus for your year ahead. This special guiding planet for your birthday year, is known as a time lord.
So ages 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 are rebirth years with a focus on the first house.
The 12th house years are 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71 and 83. These are years of retreat, of going within.
This Time Lord repeats every 12 years, however the Solar Return chart is always unique.
For example, if the sign for your year is Leo, ruled by the Sun, then it’s a year for leadership and creativity.
If its Gemini, ruled by Mercury then its a year to write that book or get busy with launching or refining your website. Networking with like minds is also excellent.
I can then tell you what months are best for being visible, and what months are best for some rest/holiday or retreat. I gave examples of some famous people-yes- including Prince Harry!
I gave a MasterClass on this subject. I explain the ages and what they represent. If you have your birth chart it will really help you understand this technique. I use whole signs for the best results rather than the Placidus house system.
You’ll learn how important your birthday and your age is, and how this shapes your mindset, mood and levels of motivation for the year ahead.
You’ll be encouraged to apply the cycles and techniques you learn to your chart. Or, of course you can book a special session with me!
Theme of the Year Consultation Each session is for One Hour for £85. This is for those who have had a consultation with Pam.
Theme for the Year Consultation for Existing Clients
Pam’s profections and solar return combo reading was an innovative and enlightening experience!
She shared the theme for the year as well as the targeted themes for each month of the year and crucial dates. This provided a focus for each month and a heightened focus of awareness for each month as well as key dates for a sharper focus.
We covered such rich ground it felt like an odyssey.
I would be thoroughly remiss if I did not add how lovely and generous Pam is, and how her lightness, along with deep knowledge, makes the experience.
Highly recommended. Patty B.
Many thanks again, Pam, for your awesome expertise, generosity and healing. Your Theme of the Year reading has energised me to move forward into 2023 with grace and passion. I also have clues now about 2024 as well! Your care and dedication to helping us all evolve makes you a fabulous counsellor and educator. I look forward to consulting you again. Anita
Theme for the Year Consultation
After taking Pam’s free Master Class, whereby she explained how to use Profections to focus on the year ahead, I was intrigued; particularly as I was only weeks away from my solar return in February.
As I wanted to ensure that I made the most of the promising opportunities I anticipated were in store for me during my forthcoming Jupiter year I booked a consultation with Pam. I knew I had only grasped the rudiments of the system. As I suspected it’s a lot more complicated than just knowing your Lord of the Year!
Pam began by telling me about what had happened in my life during the past year. She doesn’t know me that well so it was uncanny: she told me why the previous twelve months of my life had been beset by difficulties and in which areas. Thereafter, as Pam unravelled my chart for this year—month by month—she provided me with a lot of detailed information about the influences that I will find myself under during 2023 and how they will manifest.
Pam is a warm, gifted astrologer who wears her learning lightly. At no point did I feel that I was listening to a dry astrology lecture. Rather my consultation was informative, enlightening and empowering. I highly recommend her. Sophia