The Full Moon in Sagittarius is next to optimistic Jupiter
Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter- the planet of the law, the King of the Gods. However Jupiter is challenged by Neptune in Pisces- the planet of illusion. This is an ongoing transit that is being highlighted at this full Moon in Sagittarius.
Added to this we have the combination of the North Node, Mercury and Mars in emotional Cancer opposite South Node, Saturn and Pluto in authoritarian Capricorn. The result is that tensions are high all week.
Leadership is under scrutiny. If you’ve been having disturbed sleep then you are sensitive to the combination of Mercury joining Mars. The good news is that Mercury will change sign on 27th June.
The signature of Letting Go is seen with the tight aspect (called an inconjunct) of Jupiter in the fire sign of Sagittarius to the Mercury Mars combination in a water sign. These elements don’t mix! I describe this as Letting go of Old Stories, as Sagittarius is a great storyteller and Cancer can be caught up with the past.
Being open minded is one theme of this full moon.
With both Venus and the Sun in Gemini, keeping an open mind and gathering new information is echoing the theme of the New Moon. On a personal level, I have never liked Professor Brian Cox as he is so dismissive of astrology. However I highly recommend the series he is presenting called “The Planets” on BBC2.
He gives real insight into the nature of Jupiter and the origins of the Solar System. He calls Jupiter ‘The Godfather’ but also ‘The Great Protector’ of planet earth. Then this week he reports “On Saturn it occasionally rains diamonds”. As an astrologer I often liken the transit of Saturn as being such immense pressure that can either crush us or we become like the diamond. How remarkable that actually happens on the planet!
The planetary picture will continue to be extremely stressful.

We are approaching the next New Moon on 2nd July which is a Total Solar eclipse at 10 degrees of Cancer. Plus Mercury goes retrograde on 7th July at 4 degrees Leo and will travel back through Cancer to 24 degrees. So the Messenger reactivates the emotions of June.
Mars opposite Saturn
Astrologer Robert Hand writes about Mars opposite Saturn as a period of forbearance and he advises us to keep in the background for a while. He also writes that you may be feeling especially irritable, or feeling inadequate. Saturn can find our psychological weak spots and we may feel incapable of hitting back. So we can internalise the hurt and suffer accordingly. He writes that the proper response is to air our grievances.
I would add the caveat that one way is to first recognise we are never upset for the reason we think we are. What is being triggered for you? If you were to know when did this first happen for you and who were you with? How old were you are what was going on? a hint-its usually in childhood with a parent or teacher.
Then open the conversation with the one who has upset you with the words “I am willing to be wrong about this, however something you said/did reminded me of something in my past. Can you help me get to the bottom of this problem?”
In my years of experience coaching clients I have found that once a person hears that you are willing to be wrong they will listen to you.
Where in your chart is Saturn currently navigating?
Saturn represent what we really what in life, and helps you get it. It can firm up the structure of the house it transits. As the saying goes resistance is futile! And the Rolling Stones song springs to mind- “You can’t always get what you want-you get what you need”
Now would be a good month to purchase The Karmic Insight Report as it focusses on Saturn.
Or you can book a Special One Hour Consultation which includes this report. Just 2 spaces available. Find out more>
Saturn combined with Pluto are joining next year and begin a whole new economic cycle. This month is a taste of that energy.
Free 3 Card Reading using Chuck Spezzano’s cards
If you want to know more about what’s going on in your life, then a FREE 3 Card Reading can be of help.
The 3 Card Reading uses the principle of synchronicity. You think of a problem, than select 3 cards, the Negative, the Healing and the Gift card. I use these cards and many more decks by Chuck Spezzano in my work with clients. I have been extensively trained with the principles of Psychology of Vision, which are based on A Course in Miracles. This 3 Card Reading can give you some clues as to your process that may be holding you back right now. Want to know more? Spiritual Coaching based on your birth chart can be the answer>
- The Full Moon in Sagittarius at 25 degrees 17th June at 09.31 BST
- Sun into Cancer 21st June- The Summer Solstice. This turning point last for 3 days.
- Mercury in Cancer until 27th June. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon so emotions can be fraught. Mercury moves into Leo on 27th June. However this is short lived when Mercury retrogrades back into Cancer on 19th July until it finally re-enters Leo on 11th August.
- Venus in Gemini until 3rd July. Then into fiery Leo, the sign of the King/Queen.
- Mars in Cancer until 1st July when it moves into Leo. Mars takes 2 years to move through all the signs, so this is a positive boost for all water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. However it will oppose the Capricorn planets Saturn, South Node and Pluto on 14th June- 19th June. WATCH THESE DATES they are very war-like. Once in Leo it promotes all fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
- Jupiter moved into Sagittarius on 8th November 2018 where it stays until 2nd December 2019. This is hugely beneficial for all the fire signs- Sagittarius, Aries and Leos.
- Chiron The Archetype of The Wounded Healer has now moved into Aries for the next 8 years until 2027.
- Uranus is now in Taurus for 7 years. This is a major ingress that will shake up the fixed signs of the zodiac. We had a glimpse of this last year between May 15th and November 6th. Uranus rules revolutions and unexpected changes that are unpredictable. It will make tense aspects to planets in Scorpio-the opposition, and squares to Leo and Aquarius. Since Uranus takes 84 years to complete one orbit most of us alive have not experienced this transit. As Taurus rules food and farming, Veganism has become really popular in the last year.
To discover more about the sign of Gemini click here>
Please watch my YouTube video for some enlightening insights into this Sagittarius Full Moon and feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.
The Karmic Insight report provides an in-depth look into the soul’s intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime.
Gina Ronco interprets the past life reverberations shown in the natal chart. The report clarifies lessons and goals recreated from the past for resolution in this life.
Saturn return is significant at ages 28-31 and 56-58
This succinct report concentrates on the planets that are most involved with karmic lessons.
• The Moon carries unresolved past-life issues
• The Sun represents the creative thrust of this life
• Saturn, sometimes referred to as the planet of karma, shows your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears.
• It points to the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required. If you do the work these will become your areas of greatest strength.
• The Karmic insight report also discusses struggles (major hard aspects) and gifts and strengths (major soft aspects) brought forward from past lives.
• If you are going through your Saturn return (age 28-31 years, or 55-58 years) then this report is especially useful. Every 7 years Saturn will be triggered, so key ages in your life are 7, 14, 21 and 28, then multiples of 7 thereafter.
“I loved the Karmic report – I was in tears reading for the first time as I felt so recognised. Amazing.” Sheila Jacobs
“I found the report so insightful, helpful and spoke to me in such a way it reached the very heart of me. I found it really helpful and accurate and have emailed on to quite a few people inviting them to buy one from you.” Ruth
After payment you’ll be redirected to a Contact page where you enter the birth details – Date, place and time of birth. Your information is entered by hand so will be delivered as quickly as possible. Please allow 24 hours during the week, more at weekends. The Report will be emailed to you as a PDF file.