Mercurial Energy at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse can wipe out energy, which has been the case for me, hence this newsletter is late. On the day of a lunar eclipse the advise is not to start anything new, the same applies for the Solar Eclipse which occurs on 10th June. So be gentle with yourself.
Be kind, don’t push yourself, you are meant to rest, to take naps.
Tune in to your Magician, in the tarot he rules all 4 elements, pentacle (earth), sword (air), cup(water) and wand (fire). Mercury travels through Gemini from May 4th right up until July 11th!
- As Mercury weaves its magic through its home sign of Gemini we are in for a treat.
- Mercury retrograde in Gemini begins on May 29th.
- Gemini is the sign of the twins, governed by Mercury. Gemini is great at asking questions-the Archetype of The Journalist- and being inquisitive. Gathering information and asking questions is all important in order for us all to reach good decisions. The problem occurs when there is information overload-the overcrowded email box is just one example.
- The negative side of Gemini is a short attention span and a low boredom threshold.
Mercury is also known as the Trickster.
As Mercury will make 3 squares to Neptune in Pisces during its transit through Gemini, this can have a destabilising influence. Neptune is the God of the Sea and combined with Mercury can be seduced by fantasy and illusion. Be aware of any get rich quick schemes, or scam phone calls or emails. Scandals are also associated with Neptune.
I would caution against signing contracts with Neptune involved, especially if you are buying a house. You may end up being gazumped. Best to wait until next year when Jupiter is full strength in Pisces.
These squares are May 23rd, June 5th and July 6th.
Gemini rules the logical side of the brain, Jupiter the right intuitive side. When Mercury moves retrograde there are more opportunities for us to slow down, to reflect, digest information and edit.
This period is a good time to ask the right questions, to take a step back to see the bigger picture.
It’s also wise to backup data and update your browser. Make sure any contracts you need to sign are carefully read.
Key Dates Monthly Calendar
MAY 4th Mercury into Gemini- a boost for clear communication
9th Venus into Gemini The Twins
11th New Moon in Taurus close to Venus now an Evening Star
12th Moon joins Venus: Rise of the Goddess Inanna as she returns to Heaven
13th Jupiter into Pisces: A sign that Jupiter rules, highly beneficial for teaching.
15th Mars inconjunct Saturn: A difficult day
20th Sun into Gemini: Change and adaptability as we move into Mercury’s sign for 30 days.
23rd Saturn retrograde in Aquarius
26th Total Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Sagittarius, a highly mutable chart-fluid and adaptable. Be open to change.
29th Mercury Retrograde in Gemini for the second time this year. It conjuncts Venus.

JUNE 2nd Venus moves into Cancer
5th Mercury squares to Neptune, be aware of illusions.
10th Total Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Gemini. It activates this degree for 6 months.
11th Mercury joins the Sun
11th Mars moves into Leo
12th Moon joins Venus activating the 2nd chakra
21st Sun into Cancer Summer Solstice
22nd Mercury goes direct at 16 degrees Gemini
27th Venus into Leo
Chiron and the Asteroid Goddesses
This Report explore aspects of spirituality and empowerment in the realm of the feminine.
Would you like to know more about your capacity to nurture, marital relationships, problem solving skills, sexuality and healing power?
This Asteroid Report by Viniita Hutchinson gives interpretations of the four major asteroids Ceres, Juno, Vesta, and Pallas Athena and Chiron, which can shed light on these important areas of human experience.
This report talks about the symbolic meaning of asteroids and how they operate in your birth horoscope.
Astrology is an ancient science and art that has been in use for centuries. The planets are named after the Mediterranean gods of ancient Rome and Greece. This illustrates the awareness possessed by our ancestors of the synchronicity between the activation of life’s archetypal energies and the movements of heavenly bodies that seem to measure the timing of these events.
The Asteroid Goddesses
The asteroids lie in a belt that orbits between Mars and Jupiter. It is now known that this belt is comprised of thousands of asteroids, but the first four were discovered in the late 19th century, many years in advance of the rest.
These four asteroids were named after four major Olympic goddesses, which happened to redress the gender imbalance among the primarily male planetary deities that populate the horoscope. Thus it was that Ceres, Juno, Vesta, and Pallas Athena came along at the time of the birth of the women’s movement in the nineteenth century.
- Ceres shows your capacity to nurture and what you really care about.
- Juno clarifies how you deal with committed personal relationships.
- Vesta can give your keys to how you express your sexuality. Vesta is also the Keeper of the Sacred Flame.
- Pallas Athena shows your approach to solving problems creatively.
- Chiron gives clues to where you can be a mentor or a healer.
Each of the asteroids and Chiron are described by:
- The sign they inhabit in your chart
- The house in which they are found
- Aspects made to other points in your natal chart
Chiron was discovered in 1977, and was named after the wise Greek centaur who tasted immortality. Chiron lies between Saturn and Uranus and occasionally passes within the orbit of Saturn. At first thought to be a comet or asteroid it is now considered a “planetoid” or small planet-like body.
The astrological portraits of the asteroids and Chiron have emerged through the observations of fascinated astrologers over the last century. This report informs you of their symbolic meaning and gives you insight into how they operate in your own horoscope.
Please go to my new website to buy your Chiron and the Asteroid Goddesses Report>
Please allow up to 24 hours during weekdays. Weekends and Bank Holidays may take longer.
The Report will be emailed to you as a PDF file. It is best read on an iPad or computer.