The striking features of this New Moon chart -which sets the theme for the lunar month- is the emphasis on the signs of Virgo and Libra.
This new moon is in the earth sign of Virgo, the harvest, which can be the most productive and rewarding time of year.
Virgo’s symbol is the Virgin, related to the Goddess Ceres, and this New Moon is blessed by having Venus still in her own sign of Libra.
Virgo is typified as a concern with health and healing; Libra focuses us on relationships and the arts, on beauty harmony and balance.
This is a good month to sort out daily routines , clearing and sorting through ‘stuff’ prioritising and welcoming in more time for social activities. Systems that make your life easier and increase efficiency are worth investing in. One such system I discovered was Wesendit.com which allows large files to be easily sent to clients. This is so speedy that a client can have an audio recording to download within half an hour of our session.
Connections made this month as Venus, then Mars, move into Scorpio can be intense and deeply rewarding.
In the audio I discuss the chart for about 6 minutes and mention an important time of the month. It’s when Jupiter and Uranus both form an opposition to the Sun. It’s on September 21st, just before the Autumn Equinox on the 23rd. A day of visioning and being open to magic -to ideas that come from out of the blue- to inspire you.
September 8th 2010 New Moon in Virgo
This quote of the day that arrived in my mailbox is very apt for the sign of Virgo:-
“You don’t have to be perfect for your friends, your children, or your beloved; you just have to show up.” Martha Beck, O Magazine- July, 2003
have a great manifesting month,
blessings, Pam