Want to discover how astrology can reveal your Soul’s Purpose? Sign up for this free webinar.
“If you have a problem in your life that seems impossible to get through, it could well have originated before your birth.”

Dr. Chuck Spezzano (co-founder of Psychology of Vision) discovered that there is a direct link between your conception and your birth.
This Healing Your Birth Story MasterClass explores your astrology birth chart from an exciting and unique viewpoint – your conception.
The 9th house cusp is the Conception point in your birth chart. It contains a huge amount of vital information.
Your Sacred Promise
The 9th house cusp, its ruler, aspects to it and planets in the 9th give fascinating insights into the nature of your Soul’s Purpose for this incarnation and what you have come to heal.
One important question to ask would be “What was going on for your parents at that time?”
This is backed up by Pam in her experience with hundreds of participants on her workshops over the last 10 years and in her work as a consulting astrologer.
On this MasterClass webinar discover:-
- How the Colour Wheel helps you understand the houses in your astrology chart.
- The link between the 9th House and conception and the 12th house and birth.
- Journey in the womb and numerology.
- Saturn in Sagittarius and lessons to be learnt around Faith and Trust.
- Guided Meditation to help you find your Inner Guide.
DATE: 20th June at 8.00pm London Time (BST).
3pm New York. Midday Los Angeles.