Uranus moves into Aries as the Earthquake and Tsunami hit Japan
The tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday has been a shock and trauma to the whole world’s etheric aura. You may have been feeling tearful, very tired and overwhelmed by unexplained feelings of sadness and a feeling of wanting to give up.

We are One World, One Mind, One Body
I asked myself on Friday what part of my mind was Japan? What part of my body? Where did I feel wounded? I wept. I have many Japanese friends and we have shared deep healing processes together. I feel deep gratitude and love for them. Thank God, they are all well.
Chuck and Lency Spezzano (my spiritual teachers) live in Hawaii and I know their home well. Chuck was in Taiwan and so Lency was on her own, with her beloved cats.
She asked for help and posted on Facebook that she had to move to higher ground. She asked, what should she take with her?
What would you do if the threat of a tsunami was coming? What is most precious to you?
On Friday I stayed tuned to the internet and spent a lot of time praying. As the tsunami hit Hawaii the news channel reported a wave, but nothing to speak of. My relief was huge.
A Miracle
I knew that Chuck Spezzano and his workshop participants, the kahunas, the light workers and healers of the world were working to manifest this miracle. I knew that the power of the group mind of the world was focused. The beautiful pacific islands were saved.
Since then, I have felt extraordinarily tired. And on Sunday I drew a card called ‘Investing in Fear’, and recognised that was where my mind was going. I also drew the 2 of Cups in the tarot, so yesterday took time out from working on this newsletter to be with a friend and walk along the seafront.
Only late last night have I been able to offer some insights that Uranus in Aries is bringing to me, in light of the recent events.
Aura-Soma and the Rescue Set

The trauma the world is experiencing is related to the second chakra.
In Aura-Soma, (a colour therapy system I’ve trained in) there is a bottle called Etheric Rescue. It is number 26.
It’s orange over orange, the colour of the second chakra, our emotional centre. It’s also called Humpty Dumpty. When a person has a shock they move off their centre, which is like a great fall.
The Rescue set illustrated all (apart from b26) have deep magenta in the lower half of the bottle.
DEEP MAGENTA is connected to the womb in our bodies, and the 8th chakra above the crown, which is our Soul Star.
PAST LIVES In past lives deep magenta connects to Japan, Hawaii, the Philippines South America, Australia and the Hunzas.
My soul bottle is in this line up-its bottle89, called Energy Rescue. I feel a strong connection with Hawaii and Japan.
The Effects of Shock:
Stress and burn out, which can lead to chronic fatigue or depression
Busyness running around in circles.
Sabotage, build something up only for it to go wrong.
Hard work with little achieved for the amount of effort put in.
Fear. Being of centre means the connection with God/ The Creator/ Higher Mind is lost. The ego invests in fear to keep us stuck. We have huge resistance to taking the next step in our lives -which would bring us success and happiness.
Lost Soul. In extreme cases this can be a Lost Soul, far removed from their true self, their power and connection with The Creator or Higher Mind
My insights and experience

My ego used to constantly criticise me saying why is it taking you so long to heal your stories? And “are you addicted to workshops?” Then I remembered the nursery rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
To use this as a metaphor of the unconscious; the fall off the wall is the Fall from Grace, the Fall from Heaven, that place we have all come from, the place of Oneness. Its when we lost our Mastery, a place of Being and a place of peace.
Each time we have a shock in our lives, we move off our centre.
It might appear that the falls get mended at the time- a bit of sticking plaster goes on. However I know that after so many knocks I ended up as a hard boiled egg! This is one way of saying that I became very independent, and I began to believe in separation- I that I was better off on my own.
Loss of Centre Occurs in Childhood
In our childhood we see one of our parents is in pain, so we leave our centre to help them. This is a bit like jumping in to save someone from drowning -only we can’t swim.
In this attempt to save our family – because we have left our centre- we fall into patterns of fusion and sacrifice. This leads to the burn out and independence later on.
We also have ancestral and soul patterns which erupt and so we lose sight of our destiny. This can feel like a Shamanic test, that can bring us to our knees.
Journey to the Heart
To further interpret the nursery rhyme, the soul’s healing is a journey back to the King . The King represents the Heart chakra in the Kabbalah, and our true centre.
So it makes sense to heal one story after another until finally there are no stories left and the ‘egg’ is whole.
Over the last 17 years on Psychology of Vision workshops, whether as participant, or facilitator, I have healed the major traumas of my life. These were times when I fell off the wall and moved off my centre. Many were deeply buried and some related to past lives.
Now, through my own experience, I am skilled in facilitating others to return to their centres, one step at a time.
The king’s men can put the egg back together again!
wishing you a beautiful week, blessings,
I offer coaching for those who identify with this newsletter, and are willing to work at a deep level to heal their traumas. I work on the phone or online via Zoom and always bring humour and Grace into my sessions.
I ask my clients to choose a card to identify the root of the present day problem, and discover the patterns with the use of healing numerology. I ask clients to choose Healing, Gift and Grace cards so they can embrace their Soul Gifts.
This coaching is transformative.
I also highly recommend a workshop as its the fastest way to heal in a group of like minded people.
blessings, Pam x
Copyright Pics and text Pam Carruthers Healing Stars
Hi Pam
This was amazing! I have seen these cards somewhere else and would love to know the pack so I can purchase some – if thats ok?
Another time I would love to have a reading/healing from you.
Dear Toni, which cards? The Oracle of Illumination has a link at the bottom, The Inner Child is by Isha Lerner, or Osho Zen?
Hi Pam,
Wow I love your reading. We met a couple of times at Tigh Na Mara so it’s great to follow your work. Best wishes for a successful workshop. I’m sure we’ll connect again..take care.