Healing Your Heart One Day Workshop

healing your heart

Do You Want to Heal Your Heart?

Healing Your Heart One Day Workshop London Saturday September 27th 2014

TIME 9.45am for 10.15am start until 6pm.

The focus of this One day workshop is to help you with healing your heart and clearing up the unfinished business of the past, so you can fully embrace your soul’s purpose to be happy.

  •  Are you feeling lost, overwhelmed, hurt or heartbroken?
  • Are you in sacrifice and find it easy to give, but difficult to receive?
  • Are you stuck and want to reconnect with your vision and creativity?

Letting Go and Clearing Unfinished Business- all pain is from the past

In his book ‘Healing Comes from the Heart’ Chuck Spezzano describes how all present pain comes from past pain. This is the psychological principle known as transference.

The power of the mind can heal these past issues. However getting to the root of a problem is vital in changing our lives for the better. This is often buried deep and hidden in our unconscious mind:-

“Our family issues come from a combination of ancestral issues and soul issues- what our soul wants us to learn and heal in this life.

Soul issues represent major unconscious patterns that we have to heal or suffer accordingly. All our physical and emotional pain comes from the past- a past we haven’t gotten over.

We missed opportunities to heal ourselves, so now we have to face these past conflicts as they are represented in a present problem.

If you get to the root of a problem in the past and heal it there, it transforms the whole issue” Chuck Spezzano

Healing Your Heart Workshop

You’ll be participating in group rituals and tuning into your body.  The workshop space is sacred. The healing rituals are kinesthetic, so as you participate and move, you change your timeline. Pam works intuitively and will facilitate group processes and meditations to help you to heal your heart. They will include:-

  • Learning the significance of numbers and your age when your heartbreaks occurred to understand your Core Life Patterns.
  • Chakra healing with guided meditation.
  • Connect with your body wisdom and cellular memory to reveal information to accelerates your healing.
  • Aura-Soma Colour: Healing Your Timeline
  • Letting Go Process

7 Good Reasons to attend this workshop:

  • You’ll win your heart back and reclaim your power.
  • You’ll learn about the relevance of age and understand how major problems that keep repeating are holding you back.
  • You’ll have more energy, be more alive and available. As a result your relationships will be happier and more successful.
  • You’ll be supported. Pam’s workshops bring out the compassion and gifts in people. The results are always unique to each group, but the bonding and trust that develops between participants is rewarding and exhilarating.
  • You’ll feel lighter. People feel and often look years younger afterwards, as years of stress are shed and burdens lifted.
  • It will save you time. A workshop accelerates your personal growth. Being in a group allows you to make breakthroughs that can take years to access on your own.
  • You hear the call of your soul. You want to work at a deep level. You know that it’s vital for the world’s sake and for the sake of the ones you love, to look within and heal your wounds and heartbreaks.

Pam’s healing workshops are timed to work with the key portals of the year

On key days in the year we have a surge of energy from the planets to heal at a deep level with the power of Grace and step through a gateway in the mind to a higher consciousness. This workshop is timed to coincide with such a time.

The focus will be on the healing energy of the Moon in Scorpio trining Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.

Trines are a flow of energy. In water signs there is an opportunity for healing with the power of Grace. Also Jupiter in Leo is trining Uranus in Aries, bringing faith and optimism and the fiery energy of positive change.

With that intention in mind, I invite you to join me on this One day workshop.

The Venue: in a quiet part of town

Grove Centre
Grove Neighbourhood Centre

Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0DT.

FREE PARKING. See www.streetmap.co.uk for map.

This is a quiet, village like area with the bustle of Hammersmith a short walk away. Nearest tube: Hammersmith

To Book Your Place

Course Fee: £75

Pay with online banking, a cheque, or credit card via Paypal.

“TESTIMONIAL: “I have worked with Pam for a couple of years now and have attended many of her workshops.

Pam’s clever use of combining Aura -Soma, astrological insight and the powerful model of Psychology of Vision makes for healing so profound that it’s hard to put into words.  The gift of being in a space with like minded souls who all come together at the same time to create change is so powerful and unique.  Every process that takes place touches your heart and soul.  My own process took me on a journey of reconnecting to God and magical things have been happening since.

Pam is an excellent facilitator, gracious with her knowledge and insight and always works intuitively and sensitively to support each and every person in her space.

If you’ve been drawn to Pam’s workshops but have been resisting for whatever reason, then I urge you to listen to your soul’s calling and reclaim your Innocence and True Self. Because you’re worth it. Sharon”

Pam has been facilitating workshops since 2001.

Please email Pam via the Contact form if you want to discuss if this Workshop is right for you.

Your Trainer: Pam Carruthers is an experienced trainer, spiritual coach and healer. Her workshops are a unique synergy of the healing spiritual tools that Pam has worked with for the last 20 years. She blends astrology and her knowledge of colour, chakras and archetypes with the healing spiritual principles from Psychology of Vision and A Course in Miracles. Pam is a qualified professional astrologer, Aura-Soma Practitioner and NLP Practitioner.