On this magical day you’ll be participating in group rituals connected to the 4 elements and the Goddess energy of this stunningly beautiful venue.
Manifesting Your Vision and the Power of Letting Go
The focus of this Healing Workshop is to help you clear up the unfinished business of the past, so you can fully embrace your soul’s purpose to be happy.

What’s your vision for the future? To you want to heal a relationship with your family, a friend or work colleague? Are you a healer, do you have psychic gifts but feel blocked? Have you lost your belief in magic and the power of miracles?
In the work I do I know that once we step into our vision all kinds of deep unconscious issues can stop us in our tracks. This workshop will support you to uncover and heal these issues and take the next step in your life.
Post pandemic it becomes vital that we join and support each other in manifesting our vision for the future.
The Focus of this One Day Workshop is to:-
- Reclaim your Power to Manifest Your Vision for the Future
- Heal an issue with a family member, friend or work colleague
- Ritual: The Power of Letting Go
- Restore Self Value to have the confidence to receive what you are worth
- Reconnect with your vision and creativity
Abundance is connected to our creativity, our second chakra. When we’re in the flow abundance comes to us naturally. It’s our birthright.
Venus Shamanic Cycle
This is the very day in the year that Venus begins her new heliacal cycle at 16 degrees Leo as a Morning Star. This last occurred on August 22nd 2015 so it’s highly significant.
Venus in the tarot is The Empress representing abundance and fertility. Venus is the planet of love, money and self value.
Tad Mann in his book on The Tarot gives the affirmation ” I nurture my creative potential as a gateway for my highest personal fulfillment. I give love and support to others to express my feelings of inner peace and accept their beauty and affection with wisdom”
The New Moon on August 16th in Leo is a time to feel the joy.
The Moon and the Sun are joining Regulus, the Royal Star. A time to receive the miracles that Heaven wants to bring you. With both Mercury and Mars in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus blessed change is in the air. The perfect time to take action based on the Truth.
With the blessing of Neptune in Pisces there is unconditional love and compassion.
Recharge your batteries, open and heal your heart and connect with your Muse on an inspirational day in the most idyllic venue.
VENUE: Sedgwick Park House, Horsham, Saturday August 19th 2023 10.15am -6.15pm
The Workshop
Pam works intuitively and will facilitate group processes and meditations to help you to reconnect with your vision and divine inspiration. We’ll clear the blocks that stand in the way to moving forward in our lives by invoking the power of Grace and miracles.
We’ll work with the four elements of earth, air, fire and water to connect us to nature and the beauty of this land. The rituals are kinesthetic, so as you participate and move, you change your timeline. They will include:-
- AIR: Choose a process Dark Story card to see what’s holding you back from happiness and abundance, and the positive Healing card that is your gift. Group healing.
- WATER: Explore the significance of your age when you lost confidence and faith in yourself. The Healing Soul Patterns PDF is given in advance as part of the workshop.
- AIR and EARTH: Aura-Soma Colour: Healing Your Timeline
- EARTH: Walking the Labyrinth- Set your intention and open up to receiving guidance.
- FIRE and WATER: Letting Go of grievances and the past. Fire Ritual and Connecting with the Goddess energy of the oval pool.
The labyrinth faces the Chanctonbury Ring and acts as a focal point for the house and the garden.
Pam’s workshops are timed to work with the key portals of the year
On key days in the year we have a surge of energy from the planets to heal at a deep level with the power of Grace and step through a gateway in the mind to a higher consciousness. This workshop is timed to coincide with such a time with the Sun in Leo signifying leadership and creativity.

With that intention in mind, I invite you to join me on this One Day Summer Healing Workshop.
Course Fee: £88 12 places. Just 7 places left
Included in the fee is The Just for Women Report (worth £20) Or for men the Solar Writer Report (also worth £20)
The Venue and Info
Sedgwick Park House is a truly stunningly beautiful venue. It’s a privately owned home, set within 100 acres of rolling countryside.
The gardens include breathtaking views of the South Downs and Chanctonbury Ring.
The House was purchased by John and Clare Davison in 2001 and the Estate at the moment comprises of the house with meadows to the front with a beautiful herd of deer and formal gardens to the rear. On one visit it was an honour to witness these gentle animals. They have a spiritual significance:-
The deer is a sacred animal with the spirit of gentleness and softness, a messenger, a shaman; maize and femininity personified. Like a crown, the antlers grow beyond its body, bringing it closer to the sky and making it sacred. In many cultures, the deer is a symbol of spiritual authority.
Clare works as a complementary therapist and hosts many delightful events for charity and other healers. The gardens are open once a year with the National Gardens Scheme.
She says:-
“Chanctonbury Ring is a very spiritual place. You can see that the Ring is aligned centrally to the house and garden. I have created a labyrinth at the bottom of the garden. We found a huge slab of Horsham stone and rolled it down from the top of the garden on wooden posts, placing it up right in the centre of the labyrinth. This acts as a focal point and gives the gardens an energy that I like to channel in a positive way.”
To get there: Horsham station is an hour from Victoria or London Bridge and Sedgwick Park House is 15 minutes in a taxi. Plan to arrive at Horsham station at 9.27am to share a taxi with others.
The 8.35am from London Victoria arrives at 9.27am.
The 8.28am from Hove arrives at 9.27am.
If you are driving then you need directions as there are 2 entrances to the venue. You need to enter the grounds via Broadwater Lane in the east.
Use www.mapquest.co.uk or Google maps, then let Pam know and she will send you instructions. You enter the grounds via Broadwater Lane. There is plenty of free parking. The postcode is Horsham RH13 6QQ.
Starts at 10.15am until 6.15pm approx.
Teas, real coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please bring your own lunch, bottled water, a pen and your journal.
Course Fee: £88 Just 12 places. Now 7 places left.
Included in the fee is The Just for Women Report (worth £20) Or for men the Solar Writer Report, also worth £20.
TESTIMONIAL: “I have worked with Pam for several years now and have attended many of her workshops.
Pam’s clever use of combining Aura-Soma, astrological insight and the powerful model of Psychology of Vision makes for healing so profound that it’s hard to put into words. The gift of being in a space with like minded souls who all come together at the same time to create change is so powerful and unique. Every process that takes place touches your heart and soul. My own process took me on a journey of reconnecting to God and magical things have been happening since.
Pam is an excellent facilitator, gracious with her knowledge and insight and always works intuitively and sensitively to support each and every person in her space.
If you’ve been drawn to Pam’s workshops but have been resisting for whatever reason, then I urge you to listen to your soul’s calling and reclaim your Innocence and True Self. Because you’re worth it. Sharon“
I found this testimonial from Paul this week and he endorsed the work I have been doing for the last 19 years.
Pam Carruthers workshops are the most remarkable workshops that I have taken part in for many years. She is skillful, committed, compassionate, persistent and successful.
“The Psychology of Vision model that she has been trained in has many of the most useful aspects of modern humanistic psychology, and in addition has an almost shamanistic aspect in its use of drawing symbolic cards, apparently at random, to create what follows.
After a theoretical introduction, there is discussion of specific issues related to the participants. In forming and sustaining relationships, early family events are key. The workshop moves into a psycho-drama, where we can go back to a crucial early situation, and meet those people in the drama again, in a deep way. These characters also represent parts of ourselves. Key changes are brought about.
To travel this far for a one day workshop is unusual, and shows the amount of dedication and trust Pam can draw out of the participants. If you are serious about moving issues that affect your current life, then go to these workshops. Many participants come from far away. We are very lucky to have Pam on our doorstep in Brighton. She is a gem, an absolute star.” Once again, thanks very much for yesterday. Paul Tofts 2004.
More testimonials.
Please email Pam via the Contact form if you want to discuss if this Workshop is right for you.
Your Trainer: Pam Carruthers is an experienced trainer, spiritual coach and healer. Her workshops are a unique synergy of the healing spiritual tools that Pam has worked with for the last 24 years. She blends astrology and her knowledge of colour, chakras and archetypes with the healing spiritual principles from Psychology of Vision and A Course in Miracles. Pam is a qualified professional astrologer, trained in Aura-Soma Colour and an NLP Practitioner.