Healing Your Soul Story Workshop 2024

Do you want to heal your soul story?

and win back your heart? Healing our soul story is vital for each of us as then we truly make a difference in our lives and those of others. In the words of Marianne Williamson “We are powerful beyond measure”

Join us on November 9th for a One Day Workshop in Hove near Brighton.

Timed for the transit of Chiron, the Archetype of The Wounded Healer with the North Node in Aries ruled by Mars, healing issues of lack of self worth is vitally important. So many of us are caught up in the Imposter Syndrome feeling not good enough. This can be so bad that we withdraw from life and hide our talents from the world. 

Whatever problems there are in your life right now, the underlying principle is that there’s a fear of the next step. This is a birth into co-creativity, spiritual and shamanic vision and a whole new level of success and happiness. Once we are centred and connected to our core and win back our heart, we can align with our true self as a spiritual being.

If you’re not happy, then your Soul Story needs some healing.

Are you stuck? Feel like you’ve reached a glass ceiling? Lost your direction? Want to change but find it difficult to do it on your own?

If you’re ready to delve into the reason that you may not be moving forward in your life right now, then this is the workshop for you.

The issues that are trapping us are rooted in the past, and the soul story can be what we have brought in from a prior lifetime. On this workshop we can unlock those stories and in doing so open our heart memories and the emotions that have been locked inside of us.

There are 7 places and everyone will have a process to heal their Timeline.

The problems in the present are rooted deeply in the past. Because they are unconscious they are difficult to access on our own.

Pam specialises in helping clients transform their lives so they can reconnect with their vision and live their dreams. She works in a highly intuitive and creative style which is suited to those on a spiritual path.

Pam’s clients and participants on her workshops feel renewed, inspired and back on track with their creativity and vision.

Healing Where you Lost Power

The aim is to heal your Timeline to transform your life.

Each time we have a shock or trauma in our life we lose energy. Those times when we have been betrayed, ridiculed or had our heart broken, can have a lasting effect on how confident and successful we are in both work and relationships. These are times when we lost power, our connection to our centre, our Source.

Finding those places and healing the original incidents, is a core part of her work.  Pam is very skilled and well known for her intuitive abilities.

On a Deeper Level – Healing Karma

With any trauma that occurs in the womb, the month in which the trauma occurs is symbolically significant. Events that occur between conception and birth are different from those that take place later, in that they reflect the unconscious and ancestral issues that were present at conception.

We might not know consciously what these events were, but the astrological chart can often indicate that something occurred.

There is also a very simple process that can be used to find out. It’s an intuitive process which bypasses the logical brain. Pam will guide you with intuitive questions and lead the group through centering processes.

The story that comes from this process reveals what is holding you back from success and happiness.

Chuck Spezzano co-founder of Psychology of Vision says:

“The age at which a trauma occurs is significant and can give a deeper understanding of the process underlying that trauma. Our age provides clues as to what general issues we were facing at the time and why it happened then.”

Pam has been using this technique in her coaching and workshops for over 23 years, and has found it be of enormous help to clients and participants. Past lives, ancestral problems and events in the womb are all stories that – once healed – will shift a huge amount of energy that is needed to help you in fulfilling your purpose.

Her belief is that when we are in a heart space and being witnessed in a group, the act of healing is far more effective than trying to go it alone.

Her healing workshops are timed to work with the key portals of the year to heal at a deep level. 

BOOK NOW to ensure your place £88 Earlybird until October 9th 


These are reports based on your birth chart. The best seller The Karmic Insight Report identifies your strengths and weaknesses. Plus the Chiron Report by Zane Stein.

Book your place on this Healing Your Soul Story Workshop

This workshop focuses on discovering the underlying pattern, on healing the time when we gave up and lost our power and our heart.

With that intention in mind, I invite you to join us on this One day Healing Your Soul Story Workshop.

BOOK NOW to ensure your place. £88 Earlybird until October 9th. Just 7 Places! 

VENUE: Loft Room, Cornerstone Community Centre, Hove
TIME arrive 9.00am for 09.30am start until 5pm.

Stained GlassWith its beautiful stained glass of the 4 disciples-which are the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac, the Cornerstone Community Centre is located close to Palmeira Square at the West end of  St John the Baptist Church, Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FL.

www.cornerstone-hove.org.uk. It’s on a major bus route along Church Road between Hove and Churchill Square, Brighton (buses 1, 2, 5, 6, 25 and 49) and a 17 minutes walk from Hove train station. Parking is on-street ‘Pay & Display’.

Where to Stay? The website www.airbnb.co.uk offers many reasonably priced rooms to stay in Brighton or Hove. Please bear in mind when you book a room that Brighton and Hove charges for parking at weekends-some roads are only free from 8pm-8am.

Nearest stations: Brighton or Hove. If you’re coming from London Victoria take the 7.46am train to arrive at Hove at 8.53am.  Brilliant prices if you book early.

Then catch a taxi, or walk as it’s just 17 minutes away. There’s a coffee shop just a few minutes from the venue.


“Thanks for such an amazing day. Deep, powerful, gentle and amazing day. Incredible leadership. A day spent with Pam at her Healing your Soul Story workshop in March was such a valuable and good use of my day. Pam holds an amazing and intuitive space, her knowledge and expertise interspersed with her quirky humour brought the whole group together in a relaxing and deeply bonded way.

I personally completed on an issue that had been interfering with an intimate relationship for a very, very long time. I have already noticed the relaxation within my own system and have definitely seen the shift within the relationship I worked with, which is now easier, more relaxed and loving. Such a relief after years of struggle and misunderstandings.

I cannot recommend Pam’s workshop enough. Thanks Pam for an insightful and amazing day. Bless your kind wise loving soul. What a gift you are.” Ruth

“We don’t service our car once, then congratulate ourselves on a job well done and leave it till it falls apart, but we have a tendency to do that with our spirits. A HUGE shift has taken place. I now have the head space to create and meet my next set of goals. Heaven! Pam’s strength, guidance and delicious sense of humour provides a safe and energetic environment, just perfect for our spiritual tune up!” Philippa

“The workshop really helped me clarify, clear up and move on from some really deep issues. I found it to be amazingly powerful and applicable on many different fronts. Fantastic.” Lennie

Your Trainer: Pam Carruthers is a Qualified Coach and Trainer

Pam has over 21 years of experience working with clients one to one and facilitating groups and workshops. She offers inspirational and creative coaching at its best for a very reasonable fee. She has been trained by the leading Visionary Trainers in the world – Chuck and Lency Spezzano and works with the spiritual principles of Psychology of Vision and A Course in Miracles.

Book Your Place: £88 Earlybird until October 9th. Just 7 places!

Book Now on this Healing your soul story workshop. Just 7 places