Leo New Moon in August

This Leo New Moon in August is a time to boost confidence, creativity, and personal power. Its a time to shine your light.

The Sun God is Apollo.  As the son of Zeus, King of the Gods and twin brother of the Goddess Artemis, call upon his energy. With the power of the Sun in Leo, its time to bless and appreciate your strengths. That way your strengths will grow. Plus its the ideal month to view yourself with compassion and love.

Venus Moon Conjunction

The waxing crescent Moon meets Venus on August 5th for the first Venus-Moon conjunction with Venus as an Evening star at 1 degree Virgo aligning this conjunction to Regulus, the heart of the Lion constellation. Are you noticing a new level of heart-centered expression with the blessing of the Goddess?

Mercury The Messenger

Also highlighted at this new Moon is Mercury retrograding in Virgo where it is exalted. Mercury the Messenger has  two roles- scout where he gathers information and the psychopomp where he is the guide in the Underworld. So he can be a Morning Star or an Evening Star.

Mercury is currently an Evening Star setting after the Sun. After August 19th he will be the Scout as the Morning Star.

Mars Joins Jupiter

A day to watch out for is when Mars joins Jupiter in Gemini on August 1th. This is a powerful boost of energy so can be positive depending on your chart. You can do it. This affirmation is confirmed with my choice of card for the Leo New Moon:-

Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue

The affirmations for Archangel Michael. “You’re qualified to take the steps toward your desired outcome. You have what it takes to fulfill your dreams and your life’s purpose. You can do it!  Take action without delay or hesitation.”

Inspiration and Archangel Michael who rules Sundays

 “The Archangel Michael has always been considered to be the captain of Christ’s armies, the commander of the heavenly hosts. He was almost certainly the “angel with the drawn sword” who appeared to Joshua before the Battle of Jericho, when the trumpets were sounded, the walls came tumbling down, and the Sun stood still.

In Revelations, he was said to lead thousands of angels with his flaming sword in the apocalyptic battle against the ancient dragon, representing Satan, the fallen angels, and the demons.

Michael is the celestial personification of spiritual might and will­power. If you need to protect your mind from negative thoughts and confusion, a prayer to an angel under Michael’s auspices will comfort you. When it’s time to summon extra courage to face an important decision in your life, the over- lighting guidance of Michael will illuminate a path of truth for you to follow.

The name Michael actually means “who is like God.” 

Here are some affirmations for this Leo New Moon

“I radiate confidence and embrace my authentic self.”

“My unique talents and abilities shine brightly.”

“I am a natural leader, and I inspire others with my courage.”

“My heart is open to giving and receiving love.”

“I am generous with my time, energy, and resources.”

“I embrace joy and playfulness in my daily life.”

“I am in control of my destiny and create the life I desire.”

“I am deserving of all the good that comes my way.”

Tips for Using Affirmations:

Be Specific and Positive: Ensure your affirmations are specific to what you want to achieve and phrased positively.

Use Present Tense: Phrase your affirmations as if they are already true, to help align your mindset with your goals.

Consistency: Repeat your affirmations regularly, especially during the New Moon, to reinforce their impact.

Believe in Your Words: Trust in the power of your affirmations and believe in their potential to manifest in your life.

By incorporating these affirmations into your routine during the Leo New Moon, you can align yourself with the energy of this astrological event to boost confidence, creativity, and personal power.


  • August 4th New Moon in Leo.
  • August 5th. Mercury in Virgo retrograde. Moves back into Leo on August 15th.
  • August 5th Venus moves into Virgo.
  • August 14th. Mars joins Jupiter. Excess or a positive boost?
  • August 15th. Mercury retrograde moves back into Leo.
  • August 19th Full Moon in Aquarius.
  • August 19th. Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. Repeats every 8-10 years. Coincides with the Full Moon. Be aware of tension and blocks to reaching goals.
  • August 22nd Sun into Virgo until September 22nd.
  • August 28th Mercury direct in Leo.
  • Mars is in Gemini until September 4th.
  • Jupiter is in Gemini all year until May 2025.
  • Saturn is in Pisces all month. It went retrograde on June 29th at 19 degrees Pisces.
  • Uranus is in Taurus all month.
  • Neptune is in Pisces retrograde all month at 29 degrees.
  • Pluto is now retrograde in Aquarius all month.

Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain more fully about this Leo New Moon.

EARTH SIGNS Jupiter left Taurus on May 25th.

 Uranus is now the only outer planet in Taurus. Change is what Uranus needs. Work with it. Make some practical changes in your life. Clear out those cupboards!

WATER SIGNS Neptune The Dreamer is now retrograde at the last degree of Pisces. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition. One key word for Neptune is compassion.

However watch out for scams! It can also indicate illusion, deceit, scandal, loss, drowning, a feeling of being overwhelmed and lost. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, depressed, over-burdened and with little energy then I recommend taking time out and being kind to yourself. Bach Flower remedies such as Elm, Sweet Chestnut and Oak may be helpful. Also for shock Rock Rose or Rescue Remedy.


Jupiter the greater benefic is now in Gemini. Look where that is in your birth chart. 
Jupiter is the planet of faith, faith in life, that life is worth living. It takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so look back 12 years to understand its influence in your chart. It is the biggest planet in our solar system and Jupiter is Zeus, King of the Gods. It brings good luck, expansiveness and the feel good factor.

Mars is now in Gemini in an air sign ruled by Mercury, and it promotes all activities connected to communication.

Pluto is now retrograde. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. It is now in Aquarius. However Pluto becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It has moved into Aquarius from January 21st until September 2024 when it will retrograde back in Capricorn. However it has only transited up to 2 degrees Aquarius so not a major transit.

Testimonial from a long term client

I was delighted when Mark gave me this glowing testimonial. He has bought the Launch with the Stars consultations to find the best dates for his business and his 2 weddings.

Pam is a master of astrology.

She has an outstanding ability to make it human, practical and meaningful. She has been a valuable guide to me through several significant milestones.  Besides my yearly birthday reading which I look forward to every year, she has been spot on when it comes to finding the most auspicious dates for important events.

She helped me with the date to register my company 10 years ago, with our wedding in Scotland in 2020 and with our post-Covid wedding party in India in 2023.  They were all incredibly successful.

Her understanding of both western and Vedic astrology, blended with psychology and a good dose of magic makes Pam’s knowledge and heartfelt approach second to none.

Whether you have some kinks to sort out in your relationships, want to work on some soul patterns that are keeping you stuck or need some guidance on navigating big life moments, I highly recommend you book a session with her. Mark Albas



A Personal note

I have moved home after 21 years in Hove. In the short term I am staying with my wonderful friend, Clare Davison to Sedgwick Park House in Horsham. I have led many workshops there. It’s a magical place. 

I would so appreciate a donation -however small- to show your support for my newsletters over the years.

Donation click here>

A big thank you to those who have already donated. You are angels.

I am planning to host more workshops, both in person and online in the near future. Meanwhile I am adjusting to the massive changes in my life. One principle I am applying is to be more flexible! As such I am now looking to rent in Worthing.