This May Full Moon in Sagittarius is a Call to adventure
The call to adventure comes from the planetary energy of Jupiter, which ‘rules’ the Moon in Sagittarius.
Jupiter expands what it touches, so it’s connection with Neptune promises spiritual healing.
However they are both involved with Venus in the emotional sign of Cancer. These 3 planets form a pattern called a Grand Trine in Water. We can feel overwhelmed with feelings surfacing- perhaps from childhood and our relationship with mother.
Because Jupiter is retrograde in Scorpio we are asked to go deep, to bring these long-forgotten feelings to the surface for healing. Whenever I know that there’s something to be healed I reach out for support. Just a month ago I went on a weekend workshop in Wiltshire with old friends. Entitled ‘Having it All’ as a group we focussed on issues about sacrifice and healed them.

If you need spiritual and emotional support first check out the Free 3 Card Reading by Chuck Spezzano for some understanding on what lies beneath the surface.
To use it, just think of a problem you have right at the moment (and if you don’t have any problems then think of something you’d like to improve in your life).
When a planet is at the end of a sign it’s volatile
However Mercury is changing sign into its own sign of Gemini at 00.48am BST on May 30th. This is great news for us all since Mercury offers us ease of communication, essential for great relationships. The perfect time to take The 3 Card Reading!
Mars goes retrograde this month
Mars is now travelling through Aquarius and will stay there for 6 months. This is a key event of the year. Sign up for my FREE MasterClass webinar, I will post the info in an email to subscribers on May 31st.
Goddess Report
The mystery and power of 12 goddesses are revealed in this 45-page ground-breaking report helping you to discover your true potential.
This unique report is a breakthrough as never before have these archetypes been explored in the astrological birth chart. There are only 2 feminine planets- the Moon and Venus – and as every woman knows we are far more complex than that!
This report confirmed many of the aspects of my life and my path as a healer that conventional reports do not. Buy it as a present for yourself or as a superb gift to the women in your life.
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I have just read the Goddess report and found it beautifully written, lovely art work and a very perceptive summary. It brings out my main characteristics repeatedly, and that is impressive. Gillian Helfgott, International Astrologer and Author
I think it’s brilliant. It serves to take a chart reading to a much deeper level than the conventional delineation of planets. It confirmed things for me, that I know about myself, but couldn’t explain through planetary positions and aspects alone. Elizabeth MacGregor, Astrologer and Counsellor
Thank you so much for the Goddess report. My initial thoughts are “right up my spiritual alley!” I just LOVE anything to do with femininity and goddesses of course! Tracey Johnson, Naturopath and Dance Teacher
Click here to buy your personal Goddess Report>
In need of personal emotional and spiritual support?
First take my advise and do the FREE 3 Card Reading. For personal support, I am thoroughly trained in the processes of Psychology of Vision and Chuck Spezzano has been my mentor and teacher since 1994! Please contact me via my Contact Form, I usually have some spaces each week for clients who need help.