Is this the Age of Aquarius?

This New Moon has a rare and extraordinary line up of a stellium of 6 planets in Aquarius.
Not since February 5th in 1962 have we witnessed this extraordinary rare line up of a stellium of 6 planets in Aquarius. On that day there were 7 including the South Node.
Aquarians are known for having strong principles and campaigners for social justice. It’s a fixed sign and all fixed signs -Taurus, Leo and Scorpio have stamina and don’t give up easily.
That being said if you are one of these 4 fixed signs you are are under a huge amount of stress, especially as Mars continues its transit through Taurus until 3rd March. Relief comes for you when Mars moves into Gemini.
Freedom is the principle for Aquarius, however it needs something to free itself from.
Saturn versus Uranus on 17th February
On 17th February we see the first of three challenging aspects this year of traditional Saturn in Aquarius forming a square to futuristic Uranus in Taurus.
This is the old versus the new. The authoritarian conflict. A stand off.
Uranus is the Rebel, the Revolutionary, Saturn the planet of Hard work that leads to achievement, discipline and the Rules. Saturn brings maturity. However Saturn gets a bad press. In the body it rules the spine, our back bone. Plus Saturn’s hard work leads to long lasting success.
Intensity with Mars squaring the New Moon, Mercury and Venus.
The second major intense and difficult aspect at this New Moon has Mars and Uranus in Taurus forming a channeling square to 4 of the 6 planets in Aquarius. This is a tense and highly stressful aspect.
The Way Through?
Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to relax, have a nap, tune out with an indulgent movie or TV show. I recommend The Dig and Bridgerton on Netflix.
Uranus is unpredictable and Mars was exactly conjunct Uranus on Inauguration Day, January 20th. Uranus is a planet connected to revolution; Mars is the God of War.
Key Dates: Mercury turns direct on 21st February
Sun in Aquarius from 19th January until 18th February when it moves into Pisces.
New Moon at 23 degrees Aquarius on 11th February at 19.05 GMT. This is a real humdinger New Moon with 6 planets in Aquarius.
Full Moon at 8 degrees Virgo on 27th February at 8.17 GMT. It makes a positive aspect to Uranus.
Mercury is now in Aquarius. It went retrograde in Aquarius on 30th January until 21st February.
Venus is in Aquarius. It’s a Morning Star and entered Aquarius on 1st February. It will move into Pisces, the sign of its exaltation on 25th until 21st March.
Mars is in Taurus. Violence is flaring up in the news. Today 11th February in the US at the second Impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump:
Democratic Congresswoman Diana DeGette of Colorado is the first speaker up today. She is using footage and audio from the rioters themselves to demonstrate that they believed they were doing Trump’s bidding when they stormed the Capitol building on 6 January. “They were following his instructions,” she says. “They said he had invited them.” She says the fact most of the rioters “were not hiding” is proof that they believed they were acting with the full permission of the president.
Jupiter is now direct It moved into Aquarius on 19th December for approx. 11 months. GOOD NEWS! There is a brief period when it moves into Pisces on 13th May until 28th July. Then it will retrograde back into Aquarius.
Saturn is direct in Aquarius. It moved into Aquarius on 17th December. This ends two and a half years of Saturn in Capricorn so comes as a welcome relief for all Capricorns.
Uranus in Taurus is now direct activating 6-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy! (It went direct on 14th January.)
Neptune The Dreamer is now direct. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition.
Pluto in Capricorn is direct. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.
Karmic Insight Report:-Your Soul’s Intentions
The Karmic Insight report provides an in-depth look into the soul’s intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime.
Gina Ronco interprets the past life reverberations shown in the natal chart. The report clarifies lessons and goals recreated from the past for resolution in this life.
This succinct report concentrates on the planets that are most involved with karmic lessons.
- The Moon carries unresolved past-life issues
- The Sun represents the creative thrust of this life
- Saturn, sometimes referred to as the planet of karma, shows your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears.
It points to the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required. If you do the work these will become your areas of greatest strength.
The Karmic insight report also discusses struggles (major hard aspects) and gifts and strengths (major soft aspects) brought forward from past lives.
If you are going through your Saturn return (age 28-31 years, or 55-58 years) then this report is especially useful. Every 7 years Saturn will be triggered, so key ages in your life are 7, 14, 21 and 28, then multiples of 7 thereafter.
“I loved the Karmic report – I was in tears reading for the first time as I felt so recognised. Amazing.” Sheila Jacobs
“I found the report so insightful, helpful and spoke to me in such a way it reached the very heart of me. I found it really helpful and accurate and have emailed on to quite a few people inviting them to buy one from you.” Ruth
Please allow up to 24 hours during weekdays. Weekends and Bank Holidays may take longer.
The Report will be emailed to you as a PDF file. It is best read on an iPad or computer.