New Moon in Leo- Tune into your Creativity
At last there is a glimmer of hope in the planetary picture, moving us all from the past few months of negativity as this New Moon in Leo is joined by the fellow sign of Mars in Aries. Time to light our fire and focus on our strengths! Call on the Sun God Apollo for support.
This New Moon in Leo also connects us to the Galactic Centre, so something much bigger than ourselves is being activated. We still have the stellium of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, now all going retrograde. So nothing new there. It is obvious to us all that’s its a very tough year.
Creativity is one way out of the negativity.
That doesn’t mean being an artist, but it does mean that this is a time for birthing something. I am one of a generation of women who don’t have children, and this can be tough. However birthing any project- a website, a book, a podcast, a webinar an amazing meal, are all creative projects.
In astrology your birth chart can indicate how easy or difficult it may be for you to give birth. In my consultations I work with clients to overcome the blocks that may stand in their way. These can often be unconscious beliefs that started in childhood or are ancestral pattern or a past life. I have spaces for consultations in the next few weeks.
Virgo-A massive Shift
Once Mercury (on 20th) then the Sun (on 22nd) move into Virgo earth energy will be dominant. Mercury, the messenger is exalted in the sign of Virgo, so it promotes a strong intellect and the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff. It recognises what’s important, what is the priority.
Therefore this is is an excellent opportunity we all have this week to examine the details of our daily lives. Virgo is practical, methodical and healing. We can focus on manifesting what we really want.
Meanwhile as the Moon is invisible for the next few days it is time to reflect, to take things easily and not push ourselves. let your dreams speak to you.
Key Dates
Sun in Leo from 22nd July until 22nd August when it moves into Virgo.
Full Moon at 10 degrees Pisces on 2nd Sept at 6.22 BST.
New Moon at 25 degrees Virgo on 17th September at 12.00 BST.
Mercury is now in Leo then on 20th August it changes sign into Virgo where it is exalted until 5th September. Take advantage of this time for promoting yourself.
Venus is in emotional Cancer until 6th September when it moves into Leo.
Mars is in the fire sign of Aries the sign it rules so is strong. Mars goes retrograde on September 10th, so will be spending over 5 months in Aries. All systems now have the go ahead.
Jupiter is now retrograde in Capricorn. Think how the mountain goat is so agile as it climbs up and you get the idea. It went retrograde on 15th May until 13th September. This period is a time of review, to focus on getting systems and projects working to your advantage.
Saturn is now retrograde in Capricorn on July 2nd. It went retrograde on 11th May. It stays in Capricorn until 17th December 2020.
Uranus in Taurus is now retrograde activating 6-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy!
Neptune in Pisces is now retrograde. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. I love the meditations with Deepak Chopra as he uses simple sanskrit mantras. See Chopra Center Meditation. Neptune went retrograde on June 23rd.
Pluto in Capricorn is now retrograde. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.
Spiritual Path Report
This report tells you about past life lessons that are brought forward into this life.
Our spiritual character and needs are defined at birth. Yet from that same moment, forces around us begin to exert sometimes overwhelming influences on the direction of our spiritual development. Though well intended, these forces may move us along a path contrary to our own best interests.
This conflict between your inner spiritual being and outside forces may cause a dissonance that vibrates negatively through every aspect of your life. Learning to identify and acknowledge the characteristics that define your innermost self is the first step in achieving the inner peace you seek.
This report does not attempt to define your spiritual goals or offer philosophical opinions about what they should be. Rather, it provides an unbiased perspective on the characteristics that define who you are on a spiritual level.
More importantly, it gives you a clear understanding of how to best nurture and develop those characteristics that enhance your progress toward spiritual maturity.
“The voice within us will not be denied. It continues to drive us, inspiring us to change and grow.”
It aims to answer the questions:
- What am I here for?
- What is the best way for me to connect with my spirituality?
- How are my struggles related to past life actions?
There are many ways to bring spirituality into one’s life. This report seeks to give you insight into what works best for you from a spiritual point of view. What challenges must you overcome to live a full life and what qualities you can depend on to get through the tough places.
In line with Pam’s philosophy, this report speaks about one’s whole life from the spiritual point of view.
It covers all the planets and focuses on the 4th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses as they apply to spiritual development.
Author, Stephanie Clement has a PhD in transpersonal psychology. She makes frequent use of the Jungian model – intuition, sensation,thinking and feeling – as they correspond to the astrological elements of fire, earth, air and water.
Your Spiritual Path speaks to the challenge between living a spiritual life and the pull of the world that can take us off our true path.
It contains lots of wisdom about living a spiritual life as well as keys to one’s particular formula for living fully as symbolized in the natal chart.
Your Spiritual Path Report includes:
- Your Creative Process – Core Beliefs
- Communication and Mental Development
- Self-Esteem & Development of Spiritual Partnerships
- Doubt, Resistance, and Development of Psychic Ability
- Death & Transformation as Spiritual Processes
- Development of Intuition
- The Midheaven: Self-Awareness and the Use of Intuition
- Karma & Dharma
- Transcendent Values ~ Your Spiritual Persona
- Expressing Spirituality in the World
“This report is very popular because it speaks directly to one’s innermost layers. People who have a spiritual outlook on life often find that this report reaches directly into the core of their being. That’s very good for a computer generated report.” Mark McDonough President Astrodatabank
“Thanks very much for the report. I was amazed at how many things were so pertinent to me. It is very accurate in so many respects.” Chris
Aspects of the Moon
Your higher values radiate from you in the form of spiritual vision. Your actions become more and more consistent with your inner values. You demand discipline from yourself, and you expect it in others. You may have had harsh teachers.
Your spiritual path focuses on compassion for others, and you have to develop compassion for yourself as well. When others provoke fear in you, look also for the love they struggle to express.
Your inner spirit functions easily on the intuitive plane, as you are able to identify and listen to the voice that guides your interactions with others to both their highest good and your own. You can feel change coming long before it arrives.”
PRICE: £15. The report is approx 25 pages long.
After payment you’ll be redirected to a Contact page where you enter your birth details – Date, place and time of birth.
Your information is entered by hand so will be delivered as quickly as possible, usually within 24 hours.
However, please allow more time if ordered over the weekend. The Report will be emailed to you as a PDF file.