New Moon in Scorpio
The New Moon occurs at 05.07 GMT on Sunday 15th November.
How have you been feeling? We are living in stressful times. I’ve been holding my breath waiting for the result of the US Election.
The wait is over. The US Election under the leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris promises a time of great healing and unity for America, and also for the world.

At last we have an amazing woman taking centre stage in the USA -the feminine energy is strong. The relationship between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is that of a team. They are friends and equals.
Kamala Harris- is a Libran (Peace Giver) ruled by Venus with her Moon in Aries (The Warrioress). Joe Biden is a Scorpio, with his Moon exalted in Taurus. (His birthday is November 20th).
The very day of the Election Mercury the Messenger turned direct on November 3rd. Hence the ongoing refusal of President Trump to concede. Mercury moves out of its ‘shadow’ period on November 19th.
Mars the Warrior now in Aries moves forward on November 14th at 00.36am GMT, just before this New Moon. Its still extra strong, hence all the fighting.
However this New Moon is Diwali, the Festival of Light when there is victory of the Light over the Dark.
And that is for me is a true blessing with hope and trust in the future.
Diwali-Festival of Light

Diwali is a wonderful festival. It’s timed when the New Moon is in Libra in the sidereal zodiac used in Vedic astrology. Libra ruled by Venus, is the sign of the weighing scales and connects us to wealth and abundance! Its the Goddess Lakshmi.
For Hindus, the goddess Lakshmi symbolizes good luck. The word Lakshmi is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksya, meaning “aim” or “goal,” and in the Hindu faith, she is the goddess of wealth and prosperity of all forms, both material and spiritual. For most Hindu families, Lakshmi is the household goddess, and she is a particular favorite of women.
In the Hindu religion it spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.
From Wikipedia:
“Its celebration includes millions of lights shining on housetops, outside doors and windows, around temples and other buildings in the communities and countries where it is observed.
On Diwali night, people dress up in new clothes or their best outfit, light up diyas (lamps and candles) inside and outside their home, participate in family puja (prayers) typically to the Goddess Lakshmi – the goddess of fertility and prosperity. After puja, fireworks follow!”
As this year the Covid pandemic won’t allow these mass celebrations, we can still celebrate Diwali on November 14th to invite in the Goddess Lakshmi for wealth, prosperity and abundance for our financial year ahead. My suggestion is to light tea lights in a circle and decorate with flowers. The festival lasts for 5 days.
Mercury in Scorpio Recording MasterClass
Time to attend to the needs of your deepest Soul.
Mercury retrograde is a time to Reflect and Meditate, to listen to the Messages the Universe wants to give you.
What does Mercury the Messenger planet want us to pay attention to as it weaves back and then forward through Mars and Pluto’s sign of Scorpio?
Scorpio, the 8th sign of the zodiac offers emotional depth and power, initiation and healing. It’s the sign of transformation and resurrection.
It’s the sign of letting go.
Are you caught in a power struggle- a fight? Giving, but not receiving what you are truly worth?
Mercury retrograde gets a bad press, but it wants to offer us a shift in perspective.
Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year, and is well known as a bad time with problems with communications.
Beforehand we are advised to back up our computers and delay buying a new phone/computer, or signing contracts until Mercury moves direct again.
This is the link to Watch this recording>
Key Dates
Sun in Scorpio from 22nd October until 21st November when it moves into Sagittarius.
Diwali New Moon at 23 degrees Scorpio on 15th November at 5.07 GMT.
Mercury is now direct in Scorpio. It will stay in Scorpio until 1st December. This month is an important time for Scorpios to embrace the highest symbol- the Phoenix, the gift of transformation.
Venus is in Libra. It’s a Morning Star and moved into Libra, the archetype of The Lover on 28th October. On 21st November it moves into Scorpio, the Sorceress.
Mars goes direct on 14th November at 00.36 GMT. at 15 degrees Aries. The warrior planet has spent over 5 months in Aries. Watch out for temper tantrums and anger issues, they are still prevailing. Mars is in a standstill period from November 1st until 26th November as it is moving slowly and stays at 15 Degrees until 26th November. Look to your chart to see if you have any planet at 15 degrees because Mars is activating it.
Jupiter is now direct in Capricorn on 13th September. Think how the mountain goat is so agile as it climbs and you get the idea. This period is a time to launch any projects involving teaching.
Saturn is direct in Capricorn. It stays in Capricorn until 17th December 2020 when it moves into Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus is now retrograde activating 6-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy!
Neptune in Pisces is The Dreamer and is now retrograde. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. Neptune went retrograde on June 23rd.
Pluto in Capricorn is now direct from 5th October. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.
Chiron is a key component of a Birth Chart analysis.
As Chiron is being activated at this New Moon by Mercury this report is immensely helpful in understanding this Wounded Healer Archetype in your birth chart.
This Chiron Report can help you unlock subconscious patterns and free you to move forward on your life’s journey.
Chiron in the birth chart reveals the pain of rejection and abandonment from our parents, psychological wounds that are buried deep because we inherited them.
This Chiron report reveals the story of Chiron as well as the story of the chart.
Chiron is currently travelling through Aries for the next 7-8 years. However if you were born in the 60ties you most likely have Chiron in Pisces, the most sensitive sign for Chiron, so this report is especially meaningful for you.
The Chiron Report contains:
- An Introduction to Chiron and its meaning
- Doorways to Understanding – Chiron in Sign
- Where it Began – Chiron in House
- Conquering Dragons – Chiron Aspects
- Conclusion
This Chiron report is written by a leading expert and author Zane B Stein.
Zane B. Stein (born 17 June 1951, Philadelphia) is an American astrologer and is known particularly for his focus on Chiron. For his work in this field, he received the Canopus Award For Excellence in 1998. Stein was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and began studying astrology in 1969. When the minor planet, 2060 Chiron was discovered in 1977, he formed The Association for Studying Chiron which published and distributed information about Chiron.
Stein wrote the first article about Chiron, “Chiron: What Does It Mean To You?”, which appeared in the January 1981 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine, which was reprinted in their October 1984 issue as a “Notable Reprint”. In 1983, he published the first Chiron reference, “Interpreting Chiron”, which he included two years later in his book, Essence and Application: A View From Chiron.
Here are some other words and phrases for Chiron:
Teacher, Guru, Mentor, Foster parent, Turning Point, Now, Catalyst, Bridge, Link, Stepping stone, Passageway, Common Ground, Union of Opposites, Holistic, Personal Imperative, Pulling the Plug, Balance, Mediator, The Passage from Dependence to Independence, Turning the Corner, Therapy, a Koan [in Zen Buddhism], A Wound that will not Heal, a way to break free of a matrix, Synergism, Essence.
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