The Full Moon in Pisces is a Partial Lunar Eclipse
The partial lunar eclipse is on Wednesday September 18th at 3.34 BST in London UK.
Although this partial lunar eclipse may not be visible where you live, watch your dreams for the next few days. This Lunar Eclipse has the Moon really close to Neptune.
Pisces ruled by Neptune is a sign of Vision and connects us to The Hanged Man in the tarot.

Full Moons are always an emotional time and can bring up memories of old relationships that are long gone but may still be haunting us.
When the Moon is in Pisces and influenced by Neptune, it creates an atmosphere of heightened intuition, emotional sensitivity, and a deep connection to dreams, and spirituality. Neptune, as the ruler of Pisces, enhances the mystical and imaginative qualities of the Moon in this sign, often leading to a dreamy, otherworldly energy.
I highly recommend a book by Caroline Myss ‘Intimate Conversations with the Divine-Prayer, Guidance and Grace’. I am opening it at random every day and the synchronicities are amazing! Reading each prayer has become my daily spiritual practice.
Neptune is The Hanged Man in the tarot, the most spiritual card in the deck. Neptune is the place in our birth chart that connects us to our highest Vision, to the ideal. In Pisces that is the 8th chakra, God the Mother. The colour is magenta, and in Aura-Soma is known as ‘love in the little things’.
The Nodal Axis and Mars and Venus
The nodes of the Moon are travelling in Aries and Libra- the two signs that represent relationships from July 18th 2023, through January 11th 2025. We need to pay special attention to the position and sign of Mars and Venus during this period. The North Node indicates our destiny, the South node the past, and what we need to release.
As Venus is in Libra opposite Chiron the Archetype of the Wounded Healer this signifies the opportunity for healing old wounds. Mars creates tension in the emotional sign of Cancer can bring up memories of childhood and the family. As the Moon is in Pisces ruled by Neptune dreamtime and intuition are highlighted.
Karmic Connections-Venus rules the South Node
Venus is in its own sign of Libra and it rules the South Node. The South Node is associated with past lives and karma. When Venus, the planet of love and relationships is in Libra, it often brings up relationships from the past, whether from this life or previous ones. This could mean reconnecting with someone from your past or dealing with unresolved issues in a current relationship.
Uranus the Disrupter is in a positive contact with the outer planets Neptune and Pluto and the Sun
Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1781, completely by accident. It was discovered way back in at the time of huge upheavals in the world. Change is the keyword for Uranus.
Because Uranus is unpredictable astrologers agree to expect the unexpected during this time. This could range from sudden insights to actual disruptions in daily life. The positive is creative breakthroughs. Uranus can inspire creative self-expression and can bring innovative ideas or unconventional approaches.
Mercury The Messenger rules Jupiter and Mars in Gemini
Also highlighted at this Pisces Full Moon is Mercury now direct in its exaltation sign of Virgo. It creates an opposition to Saturn in Pisces. This can indicate making serious decisions that are long lasting.
Here are some affirmations for this Partial Lunar eclipse
- I release what no longer serves me and make space for new blessings.
- I trust the timing of the universe and surrender to its flow.
- I am aligned with my highest purpose and embrace the changes ahead.
- I let go of past fears and open myself to infinite possibilities.
Tips for Using Affirmations:
Be Specific and Positive: Ensure your affirmations are specific to what you want to achieve and phrased positively.
Use Present Tense: Phrase your affirmations as if they are already true, to help align your mindset with your goals.
Consistency: Repeat your affirmations regularly, especially during the New Moon, to reinforce their impact.
Believe in Your Words: Trust in the power of your affirmations and believe in their potential to manifest in your life.
A lunar eclipse is a powerful time for reflection, release and transformation. During the September lunar eclipse, you can use affirmations to harness the energy of this celestial event for growth and renewal.
- September 22nd Sun moves into Libra at the Autumn Equinox.
- Mars moved into Cancer on September 4th.
- Mercury is now direct in Virgo from September 9th.
- Venus in Libra until September 23rd when it moves into Scorpio.
- October 2nd New Moon Full Solar Eclipse in Libra.
- Jupiter is in Gemini all year until May 2025.
- Saturn is in Pisces all month. It went retrograde on June 29th at 19 degrees Pisces.
- Uranus is in Taurus all month. Retrograde on September 1st.
- Neptune is in Pisces retrograde all month at 29 degrees.
- Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn from September 1st until November 19th when it moves into Aquarius. It goes direct on October 12th. While in Capricorn its finishing the job that it started in 2008.
Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain more fully about this Partial Lunar Eclipse.
In need of personal emotional and spiritual support?
If you have any planet around 25 degrees then this Pisces Full Moon will be activating it. You could be undergoing some significant relationship issues in your life as the Full Moon joins Neptune. With Mars squaring the karmic North Node there could be a strong desire to break free and go off on your own. I can support and guide you in this process.
This is an ideal time for a consultation. See this page for more information
EARTH SIGNS Jupiter left Taurus on May 25th.
Uranus is now the only outer planet in Taurus. Change is what Uranus needs. Work with it. Make some practical changes in your life. Clear out those cupboards!
WATER SIGNS Neptune The Dreamer is now retrograde at the last degree of Pisces. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition. One key word for Neptune is compassion.
However watch out for scams! It can also indicate illusion, deceit, scandal, loss, drowning, a feeling of being overwhelmed and lost. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, depressed, over-burdened and with little energy then I recommend taking time out and being kind to yourself. Bach Flower remedies such as Elm, Sweet Chestnut and Oak may be helpful. Also for shock Rock Rose or Rescue Remedy.
Jupiter the greater benefic is now in Gemini. Look where that is in your birth chart.
Jupiter is the planet of faith, faith in life, that life is worth living. It takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so look back 12 years to understand its influence in your chart. It is the biggest planet in our solar system and Jupiter is Zeus, King of the Gods. It brings good luck, expansiveness and the feel good factor.
Mars is now in Cancer in a water sign ruled by the Moon. Communications are linked to emotions.
Pluto is now retrograde. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. It is now in Capricorn. However Pluto becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It moved into Aquarius from January 21st until September 2nd 2024 when it retrograded back in Capricorn. However it has only transited up to 2 degrees Aquarius so not a major transit.
Testimonial from a client
“ I just wanted to thank you for such an inspiring consultation. Your depth of knowledge in vedic astrology and beautifully intuitive sense helped me to understand and ‘organise’ thoughts about the puzzle of my life which, of late, I have been struggling to find the right pieces for! I felt uplifted and encouraged after the consultation and very appreciative of the time you took to unravel part of the kaleidoscope. Thank you, thank you, thank you”. Samantha M
A Personal note
I have moved home after 21 years in Hove. I would so appreciate a donation -however small- to show your support for my newsletters over the years. I now have to find the funds to release my furniture from storage!
A big thank you to those who have already donated. You are angels.
I am planning to host more workshops, both in person and online in the near future. Meanwhile I am adjusting to the massive changes in my life. One principle I have been applying is to be more flexible!
Special Offer Past Life and Ancestral Patterns
A Soul Astrology Past Life Consultation focuses on the birth chart in relationship to the Moon and the karmic axis. Chiron, the archetype of the Wounded Healer along with Saturn are two key planets to understand in the birth chart. An Ancestral Problem may be passed down along with a Past Life issue. A healing exercise is included in the consultation using Chuck Spezzano’s Enlightenment cards.
Key Concept: Problems passed down through several generations
“An ancestral problem is a pattern which has been passed down through one or both sides of the family.
With adopted people there also seems to be a legacy from either or both the adoptive and the biological parents – even if they have never seen the latter. Family patterns can come from some original trauma, but take on different symptoms in different generations.
A pattern could be passed through as a predilection for things such as illness, low self-worth, scarcity, relationship problems, heartbreak, or even a means of death. As an inherited problem or issue it’s one which already exists when we are born, since it has been passed down through the family (in the same way, there are also family gifts which pass down through generations).”
An ancestral problem or family pattern can be one of the most significant issues creating trouble in someone’s life.”