New Moon in Pisces
The New Moon is on Friday February 28th at 00.44 GMT in London UK at 9 degrees Pisces.
This New Moon has a stellium in Pisces with the Moon and the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, North Node and Neptune. Many websites have shown graphics adding Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars to be visible in the night sky.
However Uranus and Neptune can only be seen with a telescope!
Pisces represents unity, acceptance and empathy. This is a highly spiritual conjunction of planets.
March 2025 is the most important month in the year
Get ready! March is going to be the most astrologically eventful month of the year.
Venus turned retrograde in Aries, Mercury also turns retrograde in Aries on March 15th, Neptune moves into Aries on March 30th, and there is a Partial Solar eclipse in Aries on March 29th and Full Lunar eclipse on March 14th! And of course the Sun moves into Aries on March 20th marking the Spring Equinox.
9 Degrees
The New Moons have been activating 9 degrees since December 2024 in Sagittarius. They finish 9 degrees in Aries on March 29th. Do you have a planet at 9 degrees? If you were born in 1961 or 1962 you may have Pluto in Virgo at that degree. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has this conjunct his Sun!
If so then the Special offer of 3 Reports or the Theme of the Year would both be useful.
Venus is still just visible after sunset as an Evening Star. It is now retrograde in Aries and will return back into Pisces on March 27th. The crescent Moon joins Venus on March 2nd once more so look to the west after sunset for this stunning sight for the last time as Venus will soon disappear from view.
This truly is a great time for planning your Vision, for meditation. In the tarot The Moon is the High Priestess, Venus is the Empress and Neptune is The Hanged Man.
Therefore we can open up to a spiritual connection, our Divinity. The High Priestess can be likened to the wisdom of Sophia, or the Virgin Mary the Queen of Heaven.
Mercury in Pisces
Mercury changed sign into Pisces on February 14th where it lacks focus, but can be highly intuitive or psychic as seen in the charts of musicians and artists. Also a strong interest in angels and charity as Pisces is ruled by Neptune and compassion.
Mars is still emotional in Cancer
Mars moved direct on February 24th, but will remain in Cancer until April 18th when it moves into the fire sign Leo.
- Sun into Pisces February 18th. Into Aries March 20th. The Spring Equinox.
- February 28th New Moon in Pisces
- Full Moon March 14th Partial Lunar eclipse
- New Moon March 29th Partial Solar eclipse
- Venus now in Aries retrograde
- Mars in Cancer now direct from February 24th
- Mercury into Pisces February 14th
- Jupiter in Gemini is now direct
- Saturn is now direct in Pisces
- Uranus is now direct in Taurus
- Neptune is now direct in Pisces
- Pluto is now in Aquarius for the long haul.
Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain briefly about this New Moon in Pisces.
Manifesting Your Vision

Write down your list of what you want to manifest. Is it Success? Happiness? Abundance?
My mentor Chuck Spezzano gives insight into the problems the world is facing right now. He likens it to self attack and a split mind.
An excerpt from his newsletter:-
“March is a month meant to bring greater success to your life. It is a month for reaching out and extending yourself. It is a month in which you can recognize your invulnerability because you realize your attack on yourself has had no effect. As a result you begin to recognize that others’ attack on you which is your hidden self-attack also has had no effect and does not weaken you.
You are light and spirit and attack has no effect on you. We attack others when we feel weak but if we recognize that attack has no affect, we give up trying to attack another to gain advantage or our equality back. What is available this month is the possibility of opening the door to being carefree.
Where you are not succeeding, you are split-minded.
You are not giving fully or not reading the signs within and without that show the way. In life there are winners and learners. If you are not succeeding, learn from the situation and want success with all your heart so that you may give yourself fully. Concentrate on what you want.
If you don’t know what you want, keep asking for the truth and going forward. Success comes from giving your heart and mind totally to success.”
Read Chuck Spezzano’s Newsletter in full>
Manifesting Your Vision Online 2 Hour Workshop-Reclaiming Your Power
My purpose in life is to answer the calls for help. I have been tuning into this new Moon for 3 days. I am now offering a 2 hour workshop focusing on the blocks to success and happiness and regaining your true power.
Its on Thursday March 6th at 7pm when the Moon joins Jupiter in Gemini. A maximum of 20 spaces.
The workshop will include healing exercises such as:-
When did you lose power? How much power have you regained? Are you running on empty?
When did you close the door on success? Who was with you? How many steps did you take away from your True Self?
I will guide you through some healing exercises such as Integrating the Split Mind, Healing the Idols of Depression and Anchoring the times in your life when you had success. The fee is £25.
Click here to Book your place on this Healing Workshop>
In need of personal emotional and spiritual support?
If you have any planet around 9 degrees then this New Moon in Pisces will be activating it. I can support and guide you through these troubling times.
This is also an ideal time for a consultation. See this page for more information
FIRE SIGNS Venus and Chiron in Aries
Venus and Chiron are the only planets in a fire sign. Time for healing any issues of being the pioneer. Apart from the Moon, Venus is the only planet to enter a fire sign on February 4th so this is a difficult time as the element of fire gives us energy and Mars the fire planet is weak in Cancer.
EARTH SIGNS South Node in Virgo
Uranus is the only outer planet in an earth signs. Change is what Uranus needs. Work with it. Make some practical changes in your life. Clear out those cupboards! It went direct on January 29th, so more power to innovation and ideas that come out of the blue!
Mars is in Cancer and Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury joined Pisces on February 14th
Neptune The Dreamer is now direct at 28 degrees of Pisces. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition. One key word for Neptune is compassion.
However watch out for scams! It can also indicate illusion, deceit, scandal, loss, drowning, a feeling of being overwhelmed and lost. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, depressed, over-burdened and with little energy then I recommend taking time out and being kind to yourself. Bach Flower remedies such as Elm, Sweet Chestnut and Oak may be helpful. Also for shock Rock Rose or Rescue Remedy.
AIR SIGNS Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Pluto
Jupiter the greater benefic is now in Gemini. Look where that is in your birth chart.
Jupiter is the planet of faith, faith in life, that life is worth living. It takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so look back 12 years to understand its influence in your chart. It is the biggest planet in our solar system and Jupiter is Zeus, King of the Gods. It brings good luck, expansiveness and the feel good factor.
Pluto is now direct. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. It has now ended its journey in the earth sign of Capricorn. Pluto becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It moved into Aquarius in 2024 from January 21st until September 2nd 2024 when it retrograded back in Capricorn. However now it is firmly in Aquarius so will be a major transit.
Testimonial from a client
“ I just wanted to thank you for such an inspiring consultation. Your depth of knowledge in vedic astrology and beautifully intuitive sense helped me to understand and ‘organise’ thoughts about the puzzle of my life which, of late, I have been struggling to find the right pieces for! I felt uplifted and encouraged after the consultation and very appreciative of the time you took to unravel part of the kaleidoscope. Thank you, thank you, thank you”. Samantha M
If you are a one of the fixed signs of the zodiac with your Sun in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, then a Soul Astrology Consultation would be ideal for you right now. Also if you are Sun Sign Aries with Chiron travelling though your sign right now.
The Soul Astrology Consultation looks at your birth patterns, identifies your purpose, your strengths and weaknesses and tells you what’s going on now. Using Vedic astrology can pinpoint which planet and archetypal energy is in focus in your life.
Pam works online with Zoom. Zoom is free for you to use, and it has extra benefits as Pam can record the consultation in video.
The fee for the consultation of 90 minutes is usually £108. It includes the Solar Writer Report worth £20 and your Vedic chart.
After paying you will be redirected to a page where you enter your birth data- date, time and place. Pam will then email you to arrange your consultation. The consultation is recorded and an email sent with the link for you to download the MP4 video file to play on your computer or ipad.
Latest Testimonial
I was so delighted when this popped into my mailbox from a satisfied client!
“I have had 2 consultations with Pam and have signed up for a series of 6 more.
Her knowledge and communication skills are incredible! The clarity I’m gaining on personal tendencies and patterns is allowing me the ability to forgive myself for past behaviour as well as make more conscious choices as I move forward.
In our second session, I received an unexpected surprise in the way of a healing after we discovered an ancestral curse that had passed through multitudes of generations.
It was nothing short of miraculous and the immediate transformation was life changing.
I am excited to have signed up for a series of 6 more coaching sessions with Pam as a result of that experience and cannot express my gratitude for the opportunities that lie before me.
I highly recommend Pam if you are seeking deeper understanding of yourself and relationships!” CP
Click here to find out more about Soul Astrology Consultation>