Cancer Full Moon-Unrequited Love or Past Heartbreaks?
This is the final Full Moon of the year, with the New Year just a few days away. The most striking planetary aspect at this Full Moon is Venus is at the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius making a square-a challenging aspect -to Neptune in Pisces. So personal love is being challenged by the higher vibration of love that is Neptune-love that is unconditional and spiritual.
This can be bringing up grief for love or lovers lost, for unrequited love and old heartbreaks. The need for love, for hugs and heart-felt connections is so strong.
My heart goes out to those of you with grandchildren you can’t see, with family who live too far apart to be able to visit. With those who are feeling the mental stress of this horrendous pandemic. And I feel heartened when I see how people have reached out to help strangers. One instance are those who lowered food from a bridge to give to the stranded lorry drivers outside the port of Dover. It made me cry at the generosity of people who answered the call for help.
Venus is moving fast so this tension shifts once Venus moves sign into Capricorn on 8th January.
Playing music can be a welcome relief and a healing to let the tears fall. I recommend ‘I Grieve’ by Peter Gabriel. Or watching a tribute to stars lost- George Michael who died on Christmas Day 4 years ago. He was a Sun Sign Cancer with Saturn in Aquarius. (25/06/1963 at 6am Finchley UK.) Who can forget Jesus to a Child or You Have Been Loved? Watch You have been loved on YouTube, it was used in a stunningly tender love scene in one of my favourite movies Meeting Joe Black with Brad Pitt. (Sun sign Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius)
And of course with the latest series of The Crown we are remembering Princess Diana, a Sun sign Cancer with her Moon in Aquarius.
Antidote is Laughter
To really move into a different energy search out the comedies around this holiday season. I watched The Goes Wrong Show on BBC1 on 23rd December and laughed out loud for 30 minutes. What’s your best comedy show?
Mercury-what Messages will be delivered?
The month ahead shows Mercury moving past all the Capricorn planets. The first being Pluto on 5th January, followed by a square to Mars on the 9th, then joining Saturn on 10th and Jupiter on 11th.
Watch the news as we approach the US Inauguration and of course the restrictions the government is imposing in the Uk due to Covid. Conspiracies abound. I personally don’t buy into them.
Aquarians take Centre Stage
Now Jupiter and Saturn are in the air sign of Aquarius I pray for more enlightened times. Aquarius is a fixed air sign so can be fixed in their mental attitude. However at its best it’s open minded and its cosmic mission is to promote community.
For me the most inspirational Sun Sign Aquarian is Oprah Winfrey. Michelle Obama is Sun Sign Capricorn with her Mars in Aquarius. She married a Sun sign Leo, President Obama who’s rising sign is Aquarius.
Greta Thunberg is a Capricorn, she was born January 3rd in 2003. However she’s part of a group who have both Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius. This is a generation whose intent is to free the planet from Global Warning. Interesting to see that Sir David Attenborough has Jupiter in Aquarius, so their missions are aligned.
Do you have a planet in Aquarius? If so It will be activated this year by Jupiter. That’s Good!!!!
Key Dates
Sun in Capricorn from 21st December until 19th January when it moves into Aquarius.
New Moon at 23 degrees Capricorn on 13th January at 5.00 GMT. It joins Pluto, so could be especially troublesome, but can portend transformation.
Mercury is now in Capricorn until 8th January when it moves into Aquarius. It goes retrograde in Aquarius on 30th January.
Venus is in Sagittarius. It’s a Morning Star and will move into Capricorn on 8th January.
Mars is now direct in the fire sign of Aries the sign it rules so is strong. Good news as the warrior planet will change sign into Taurus on 6th January. This is a sign ruled by Venus, so I hope there will bet a softer approach to anger issues/getting needs met. Watch out for 12th, 20th and 23rd January when Mars can get headstrong and antsy.
Jupiter is now direct It moved into Aquarius on 19th December for approx. 11 months. There is a brief period when it moves into Pisces on 13th May until 28th July as it retrogrades back into Aquarius.
Saturn is direct in Capricorn. It moves into Aquarius on 17th December. This ends two and a half years of Saturn in Capricorn so comes as a welcome relief for all Capricorns.
Uranus in Taurus is now retrograde activating 6-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy! It goes direct on 14th January.
Neptune The Dreamer is now direct. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. Neptune has been retrograde for 5 months since June 23rd, so we now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition.
Pluto in Capricorn is direct. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.
What does the future hold for you? Find out with this Very Special Offer: £30 for Personal Astrology Reports worth £45!
Want to know the key dates to watch out for in 2021?
It’s a far better cosmic picture than 2020. There are some big astrological opportunities this year. Want divine guidance on when they happen, and what they mean for you?
The astrology of 2021 is an important year as Jupiter and Saturn are now in Aquarius. This means that they are no longer travelling with Pluto. The nodal axis which affects the eclipses, changed sign on June 5th in 2020 into Gemini North Node and Sagittarius South Node. They last for eighteen months before changing signs. This year is important for all Aquarians and those who have planets in Aquarius. Is that you?
The nodal axis connects us to the eclipses which are a wild card in astrology.
Your 3 Personal Astrology Reports for 2021
The 3 Personal Astrology 2021 Reports are worth £45 if bought separately. These reports are based on your date, time and place of birth.
NB. They are both calculated for the same person. Please note that Steven doesn’t include Chiron but it is included in Stephanie Johnson’s Report.
Annual Reports: 2 SkyLog Reports of 6 months each (Jan-end June 2021 and July-end Dec 2021) by Steven Forrest
Each report called ‘Sky Log‘ gives you over 40 pages of in-depth predictions. This report is usually sold as a 6 month report for £15. These reports are based on your transits and secondary progressions. The author Steven Forrest, has a great style and explains clearly and poetically – with no jargon – what the planetary transits signify for you.
“The future isn’t crystallized. It’s a wavering, quivering web of possibilities. How will they manifest? Much depends upon how you wield the magical wild card we call your freedom.
The planets offer advice. In a sense, they recommend certain choices over others. They seem biased toward your evolution. They often suggest that you take the less familiar path, the one that moves you into richer fields of your own potentiality.”
This report is based on your transits and secondary progressions for the year ahead. There are three parts to the report:-
THE INVITATION: First, the big questions. In the part of the report called THE INVITATION, he gives you that “mountain-top” perspective that enables you to make sense of the details. Steven speaks in normal English- no jargon – and gives a real depth of understanding to the major planets affecting you in the year ahead.
THE MEANS: He turns your attention to some secondary factors and offers suggestions, help, and support in responding to those big questions.
THE DETAILS: These minor transits unfold quickly. It’s a rare week that doesn’t contain at least a few. A report that discussed them all in the kind of microscopic detail we’ve applied to the major events would be several inches thick. In order to cover the daily astrological kaleidoscope within the practical limitations of the space available, we’ve resorted to producing capsulized one-sentence nuggets that compress a lot of information into a few words. So, slow down, shift gears, and let them wash over you. Think of these images more as daily meditations than as the kind of full-blown explanations to which you’ve gotten accustomed in the previous sections of SKYLOG.
Steven writes:- Throughout the following text, I’ll be endeavoring to write in plain English, but if you’re unfamiliar with the jargon of astrology, you’ll encounter a few words that may require definition. A “transiting” planet, for example, refers to the actual, current position of that planet in the sky. Sometimes the transiting planets form critical geometric angles with the natal planets in the birthchart, triggering developmental questions in your life. These critical angles are called “aspects.”
The “progressed” planets function in much the same way as the transiting planets, but we approach them a little differently. They’re like a script that’s been built into your birthchart. Just as we know that an oak tree will emerge from an acorn and bring forth its leaves in season, similarly each person’s birthchart contains within it the seeds of certain predictable developmental stages. Progressions spell out those stages.
These amazing 40 plus page reports of 6 months each Jan -July 2021, and July – end Dec 2021 are easy to understand and very detailed.
Diary by Stephanie Johnson
The next report written by Stephanie Johnson is approx. 20 pages and includes a full colour birth chart and easy bar graph reference for the year. It has just been updated with more information on each transit. The entries are sorted by the exact date on which each event occurs, with the planets involved. She writes:-
“The astrological system of Transits is offering us much the same information as a weather forecast. It is giving us an indication of the emotional and intellectual weather of our lives. It is up to us to decide our own destiny.”

Find out what the planetary movements mean for you!
Invest in Your Future. Buy your reports for just £30 (saving £15!)
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The Reports will be emailed to you as PDF files. They are best read on an iPad or computer.