June starts with a Sagittarius Full Moon

This Sagittarius full moon is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of joy, jubilation, abundance and faith. All the good things in life.
Although the Moon is close the Saturn, it has passed the monthly conjunction. Plus Venus is making a positive flow of energy that increases to become exact on Saturday June 6th.
The focus is on Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius-three mutable signs creating a T square. Neptune still weakens the Sun. Energy will be low, with a strong desire to opt out, self medicate and get easily distracted. Plus your creativity may be at an all time low.
Along with Mercury retrograde this isn’t the best week to make life changing decisions!
Keep your cool- this will pass after 11th June when Mercury moves direct.
To access the best of Neptune divination can be helpful. Check out the Inner Child cards. I tuned in and received this message:-
Hansel and Gretel
When this card appears in your reading, a deep spiritual initiation or union may be taking place. Realize that each person has a feminine/masculine balance and that it is now time for you to bring these inner components into a state of balance and equilibrium. Hansel is a symbol of the animus-the wind, the spirit, and male energy. Gretel signifies the anima-the soul, nurturing, and female energy.
Together, hand in hand, their rapport indicates a preliminary form of the divine marriage. Meditate on the beauty of these two children inspiring each other, and remember that they reflect the lost love of their parents, who have been worn down by the rigors of life.
The spiritual embrace, the romantic touch, the heart-centered gaze can allow you to reexperience the richness and wonders of the world.
Traditional Archetype: The Lovers. Zodiacal ruler: Gemini

Gemini is the sign of the twins, Castor and Pollux.
As the card reading advises, while Mercury, the Sun and Mars travel through Gemini, we are being asked to integrate our feminine and masculine to achieve balance and success in our lives.
Highlights of the Month:-
5th June Venus moves into Leo. You can see it in the evening sky moving closer each night to join Jupiter on July 1st. Commit to what you love as it makes a powerful positive flow of energy to Saturn on June 6th.
11th June Mercury moves direct.
12th June Neptune turns retrograde for the next 4 months. Pisces will feel this intensely. Its a good day for divination and meditation.
14th June Sun joins Mars in Gemini-a day for action, especially to invigorate your resolve and will. Any planet at 23 degrees will be activated and empowered.
15th June Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio.
20th June Venus joins the Moon at 13 degrees Leo. The 7th Gate-the Crown chakra is activated.
21st June Summer Solstice, Sun moves into Cancer.
22nd June Jupiter trines Uranus for the 3rd time. This is a very lucky day, full of potential for the highest inspiration.
25th June Mars moves into Cancer, so a shift (along with the Sun) into this emotional water sign.
Sky Log 6 Month Report gives detailed guidance on what’s going on for you>
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