What’s the significance of the Sagittarius Full Moon 21st May?

Flexibility: There are 7 planets in mutable signs, Sun in Gemini, Jupiter in Virgo, the Sagittarius Full Moon and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.
This is an emphasis on flexibility and change, but a lot of flux. We all need to be flexible, however the month ahead suggests that our opinions can be swayed by the messages we receive via the media. Be aware and use your logic and reason to ask: What are my values? What is my truth?
Communication: The Sun has just changed sign into Gemini opening up communication. This is promising as Mercury -the Messenger-moves direct on 22nd May. However Mercury is still in the fixed stubborn sign of Taurus. Taurus wants stability and is materialistic.
This will change when Mercury changes into the sign it rules- Gemini- on 12th June. All planets work best in the signs they rule. Ideas that may be germinating can now reach your audience.
Gemini loves the city with its buzz. Its multi lingual, culture and the media and the journalists sign, always asking questions. Even if we don’t have a planet in Gemini, we all have an area of our life connected to Gemini in our birth charts. This page describes Gemini qualities.
Aggression: Mars is prominent as its conjunct the Moon, so watch your temper this weekend. Emotions can flare up. Mars is opposite the Sun and closest to the earth, so its energy is strong. Mars is retrograde so note you may feel frustrated at the lack of action. Take some time out. Exercise/walk/get your hands into the earth with some gardening to clear your head.
Peace: The Sun is joined by Venus in Taurus, bringing stability and grounding to an otherwise volatile Full Moon. Venus is the planet of relationship, love and values. It also governs money. We earn what we belive we are worth. Recognise you self worth. You have unique gifts to give the world. Venus changes sign on 24th May and will join the Sun in a new shamanic cycle.
Big Challenge: Jupiter squares Saturn. These are opposites- optimism versus pessimism. Which voice do you listen to?
Positive Flow: Grand Trine in Earth signs. Mercury forms a flow with expansive Jupiter and transformational Pluto. Aim for the sky! Think big! What your vision for the future? Write it down and meditate on it. Be the Master of your thoughts. Use this poem to inspire you:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
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