Feeling tearful? Caught in resistance and indecision?
Now Saturn is retrograde until July 8th 2013 you may be experiencing indecision and resistance, especially if Saturn rules your sun sign, moon sign or ascendant ruler, ie. in Capricorn or Aquarius.
It’s as if you’re pushing hard and getting nowhere.
When a planet goes retrograde is a good time to reflect. Saturn goes retrograde once a year for approx. 4 months, so its not unusual.
However Saturn changes sign every 2 and a half years, so this is the first time its been retrograde in Scorpio since February-July 1984.
Saturn moved into Scorpio in October 2012 and will be moving back covering the same territory it passed over from 15th November to February 8th.
Saturn represents authority, discipline, hard work, labour and commitment. It’s also about guilt, resistance and delay.
Saturn in our birth chart is where we feel most inadequate – our Achilles heel. Its the voice that says “You’ll never be good at that!” It’s our inner critic and cynic.
However if we recognise and become aware of what Saturn is teaching us in our birth chart, we can work with it, rather than against it.
The result is that we can become a master and even a professional in that area.
The Schizophrenia card in Osho graphically states the problem of indecision:
[jbox color=”blue”]”The person on this card brings a new twist to the old idea of ‘getting stuck between a rock and a hard place’! But we are in precisely this sort of situation when we get stuck in the indecisive and dualistic aspect of the mind. Should I let my arms go and fall head-first, or let my legs go and fall feet first?
Should I go here or there? Should I say yes or no? And whatever decision we make, we will always wonder if we should have decided the other way.
The only way out of this dilemma is, unfortunately, to let go of both at once. You can’t work your way out of this one by solving it, making lists of pros and cons, or in any way working it out with your mind. Better to follow your heart.”[/jbox]
Cosmic Report Card
Saturn tests us, its the Cosmic Taskmaster. It’s the dreaded school report which said ‘must try harder’.
Its time to go over what has been learnt, review it and make any necessary changes. Sounds easy, but we don’t like change, and Saturn gives us the toughest lessons.
How well do we handle discipline, work, and commitment? Can you stick to a diet? An exercise regime? Studying and passing exams? If Saturn is strong in your birth chart then you can work well with it and achieve your goals.
However we are not stuck with our birth chart, we can honour Saturn and strengthen the positive qualities of this planets’ energy by several methods. the best is to be in service to others. Not from a place of sacrifice, but a place of giving from the heart.
Charity is the most powerful spiritual practice you can do.
Your Guide to Spiritual Mastery

Saturn retrograde in Scorpio is ideal for:-
- reassessing your priorities
- discipline-a daily spiritual practice will reap results
- reviewing and revising your business plans
- detoxing and cleaning out your metaphorical cupboards
- soul work- let go and clear up any past grievances
- healing any revenge stories you may unconsciously be acting out
- growing up! Saturn is the planet of old age and maturity
- commit to long term projects- what you really value
The negative qualities of Saturn are guilt, fear, and resistance.
The author Steven Pressfield has written an excellent book dealing with resistance.
“Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.
Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.
Resistance is experienced as fear; the degree of fear equates to the strength of Resistance. Therefore the more fear we feel about a specific enterprise, the more certain we can be that that enterprise is important to us and to the growth of our soul. That’s why we feel so much Resistance.
If it meant nothing to us, there would be no Resistance.”
― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles
Commitment and Completion
Saturn loves commitment! Commit to the truth in your relationships. Commit to long term projects.
Build one step at a time and you are guaranteed success. 4 is the number of firm foundations. Its also known as a chronic problem.
Recognise that the ego is the part that wants us to stay stuck.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, the providence moves too.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!’
attributed to Goethe
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Mercury retrograde is a time to review and reassess all communication. Make sure that you have:-
- Backed up your computer- a spare hard drive is an easy way, plus software such as Acronis does a thorough job.
- Delay buying a mobile phone, computer, tablet in haste.
- Avoid signing contracts, as is reasonable. If you do have to, make sure you read the small print.
- Check all arrangements. people may have the time or day confused.
- Be forgiving. Pisces is the sign of compassion, so tread gently and take a moment of contemplation before criticising anyone.
Oneness and Spiritual Awakening

Oneness is the realisation that we are all connected, that separation is an illusion. Its not something that can be easily described, it has to be experienced.
This video comes very close to giving that experience.
On Christmas Eve December 1968 when Chiron was in Pisces, (where it is now) astronauts on Apollo 8 showed us photographs of our planet for the first time.
This was a new perspective. This was a new self awareness.
As the video says ”seen from the cosmic perspective, its spaceship Earth- we’re all here together.”
The gave us all on overview, and we saw our planet as One.
This was a breakthrough in consciousness.
Watch it, it’s a brilliant video.
I cried at the beauty that is our planet, our Home.