Scorpio Full Moon May 14th
This full moon in Scorpio focuses us on Saturn-the key player for all Scorpios over the last 2 years.
Saturn asks one question of us all- Where will my ability to dream and have faith be most sorely tested?
Saturn teaches us to focus the will.
With last weekend’s opposition of Saturn to the Sun did you find your patience was sorely tested?
I bought a new small laptop as Windows XP is now longer supported. I spent most of the weekend learning Windows 8, and like many people found it counter intuitive. Did I give up? No, I perservered and by Sunday night felt I had at least some knowledge of it. And I felt a sense of achievement. It’s still frustrating me, but slowly does it.
That’s Saturn.
It rewards like no other planet because once we put in effort, and don’t give up, then the success is well earned.
Resistance is also Saturn’s province. And if you are in any way creative that’s something you may be facing this month as both Mars (the planet of action) and Saturn are retrograde in the sky right now.
In my YouTube Video above I describe the emotional tension at this Scorpio Full Moon with Saturn a key player.
Saturn always wants us to commit, but because the planet of action- Mars in Libra is also retrograde until 19th/20th May you may be caught in indecision.
However the waiting game may not serve you in the long term as the Grand Cross in cardinal signs signified deep and bold changes. It’s time for awakening.
Scorpio says it’s time for letting go, for feeling your feelings and also to value your inner resources. With Venus in Aries conjunct Uranus unexpected events can create a sudden change in circumstances.
Believe in a miracle!
Listen to messages and to your dreams as Mercury in Gemini aspects Venus and Uranus favourably.
I am reminded of these words-
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. …Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

The Good News
Next week some of that changes. Mars Scorpio’s traditional ruler- moves direct on Tuesday May 20th. After over 2 months retrograde (since March 1st) that’s a big astrological event.
However -like an ocean liner- it takes some time for a planet to change direction. Mars is hovering at 9 degrees of Libra all of May.
And Libra is the sign of indecision!
The questions to ask yourself are:-
- What decisions have you been putting off?
- What do you know you need to do to move forward in your life?
- How can you focus your will on what you want to manifest?
Mars says it’s time to act on what we’ve learned since March 1st.
In today’s meditation Deepak Chopra said:-
“Do you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future?Those words encapsulate Saturn- the past – versus The Sun -the future.
At this time you may well be in need of support. And when I’m feeling down, I know I need to renew my connection with my Higher Mind, and to recognise my gifts.
This Spiritual Path Astrology report can offer you just that.
This report tells you about past life lessons that are brought forward into this life.
Your Spiritual Path speaks to the challenge between living a spiritual life and the pull of the world that can take us off our true path.
It contains lots of wisdom about living a spiritual life as well as keys to one’s particular formula for living fully as symbolized in the natal chart.
Your Spiritual Path Report includes:
- Your Creative Process – Core Beliefs
- Communication and Mental Development
- Self-Esteem & Development of Spiritual Partnerships
- Doubt, Resistance, and Development of Psychic Ability
- Death & Transformation as Spiritual Processes
- Development of Intuition
- The Midheaven: Self-Awareness and the Use of Intuition
- Karma & Dharma
- Transcendent Values ~ Your Spiritual Persona
- Expressing Spirituality in the World
To buy it go to this page www.healingstars.com/astro-shop/your-spiritual-path-report/
Bringing Heaven Down to Earth
Weekend Residential Workshop June 7th/8th 2014
In the Most Idyllic Venue: Sedgwick Park House, near Horsham, Sussex
A workshop is transformational.
If you want to connect with your Soul Purpose, with your Vision and let go of the past then this workshop is for you.
I work with the Aura-Soma colour system, Soul Astrology and the principles of Psychology of Vision (based on A Course in Miracles) to create a magical space for you to make deep and lasting changes in your life with the support of like-minded people.
The Workshop- Some highlights
The focus of this weekend workshop is to help you to clear your blocks and to connect with your Soul Star and Earth Star, to free you to embrace your destiny and your soul’s purpose.
- Understanding of the Soul and Earth Stars from the Aura-Soma teaching.
- Guided Chakra meditation with Aura-Soma. Opening to your Inner Vision, the 3rd Eye and Intuition
- Intuitive Chakra Scan to tune into what blocks you from moving forward in your life
- Grounding -Walking the Labyrinth. Set your intention and open up to receiving guidance.
- Divination. Choose cards that offer guidance for your Soul’s Journey.
- Starlight Astrology Report. Discover your Guiding Star in your soul’s journey
- Healing Your Timeline. Group and Individual Processes to heal your timeline -to free your family, your ancestors and past lives and restore balance.
- Letting Go Process
For the first 10 people to book I am offering an Astrology Consultation worth £95. It’s booking up fast, so don’t miss out on this wonderful workshop in the most amazing place. Your soul needs it! PS There is an outdoor swimming pool as the picture above shows!
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