High Level Stress as the Sun joins Uranus at the Full Moon in Libra
If you have any planet at the last degree of any sign in your birth chart it’s now receiving a major jolt of energy. This could be highly stressful, so please be patient. It too shall pass. Once the Sun moves past Uranus on 22nd April and clears it by 8 degrees on May 1st, things will be more settled.
Karmic Combination of the Toughest Planets

This Full Moon is forming a square with the combined energy of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn- a karmic combination.
The terrible fire that almost completely destroyed Notre-Dame Cathedral is highly symbolic. The time it began to be built was in 1163. As far as I know there is no fixed date on record.
The chart when it was restored was 31st January 1843. On that day Saturn was at 19 degrees Capricorn forming a square to Pluto at 20 degrees Aries. The day of the fire Saturn was at 20 degrees Capricorn joining Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn. The Sun on Monday was at 25 degrees Aries.
Notre-Dame is the very heart of Paris, and the statue of Joan of Arc is just one connection with the feminine. The cathedral is consecrated to the Virgin Mary. The famous rose windows are symbolic of Venus. It is believed that before the period of Christianity in France, a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter stood on the site of Notre-Dame.
“The central pillar of the central door of Notre-Dame features a statue of a woman on a throne holding a scepter in her left hand, and in her right hand, two books, one open (symbol of public knowledge), and the other closed (esoteric knowledge), along with a ladder with seven steps, symbolizing the seven steps alchemists followed in their scientific quest of trying to transform ordinary metals into gold.” Wikipedia
Old wounds from the past regarding authority figures may be coming up for you in you have planets around 20 -24 degrees Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. If so then the Karmic Insight Report would be a good starting point. In my consultations I specialise in helping clients who have a planet contacting the nodes in their chart by guiding them through an intuitive healing method.
Saturday 20th April is an active day-Sun moves into Taurus, Venus into Aries, Mercury joins Chiron.
- The Sun is in Aries from 20th March at 21.58 until 20th April at 09.55 BST.
- The Full Moon in Libra at 29 degrees 19th April at 12.12 BST.
- Sun into Taurus April 20th until 21st May.
- Next New Moon is at 14 degrees Taurus on 4th May at 23.45 BST. This is the Beltane New Moon and is more grounded -a time to celebrate The Goddess.
- Mercury is now direct in Aries. At last it leaves Pisces where it’s been for the last 9 weeks. It joins Chiron on 20th April.
- Venus in Pisces where it’s exalted until 20th April. Venus in Pisces is the Goddess Kuan Yin, Mother Mary and Maia. Compassion and sensitivity to those less fortunate than ourselves.
- Venus moves into Aries on April 20th until 15th May. The Warrioress archetype is activated!
- Mars is now in Gemini until 16th May 2019. Mars takes 2 years to move through all the signs, so this is a positive boost for all air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
- Jupiter moved into Sagittarius on 8th November 2018 where it stays until 2nd December 2019. This is hugely beneficial for all the fire signs- Sagittarius, Aries and Leos.
- Chiron The Archetype of The Wounded Healer has now moved into Aries for the next 8 years until 2027.
- Uranus is now in Taurus for 7 years. This is a major ingress that will shake up the fixed signs of the zodiac. We had a glimpse of this last year between May 15th and November 6th. Uranus rules revolutions and unexpected changes that are unpredictable. It will make tense aspects to planets in Scorpio-the opposition, and squares to Leo and Aquarius. Since Uranus takes 84 years to complete one orbit most of us alive have not experienced this transit. As Taurus rules food and farming, Veganism has become really popular in the last year.
To discover more about the sign of Aries see this page.
Please watch my YouTube video for some enlightening insights into this Libra Full Moon and feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.
The Karmic Insight report provides an in-depth look into the soul’s intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime.
Gina Ronco interprets the past life reverberations shown in the natal chart. The report clarifies lessons and goals recreated from the past for resolution in this life.
Saturn return is significant at ages 28-31 and 56-58
This succinct report concentrates on the planets that are most involved with karmic lessons.
• The Moon carries unresolved past-life issues
• The Sun represents the creative thrust of this life
• Saturn, sometimes referred to as the planet of karma, shows your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears.
• It points to the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required. If you do the work these will become your areas of greatest strength.
• The Karmic insight report also discusses struggles (major hard aspects) and gifts and strengths (major soft aspects) brought forward from past lives.
• If you are going through your Saturn return (age 28-31 years, or 55-58 years) then this report is especially useful. Every 7 years Saturn will be triggered, so key ages in your life are 7, 14, 21 and 28, then multiples of 7 thereafter.
“I loved the Karmic report – I was in tears reading for the first time as I felt so recognised. Amazing.” Sheila Jacobs
“I found the report so insightful, helpful and spoke to me in such a way it reached the very heart of me. I found it really helpful and accurate and have emailed on to quite a few people inviting them to buy one from you.” Ruth
After payment you’ll be redirected to a Contact page where you enter the birth details – Date, place and time of birth. Your information is entered by hand so will be delivered as quickly as possible. Please allow 24 hours during the week, more at weekends. The Report will be emailed to you as a PDF file.
Wikipedia Notre Dame https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre-Dame_de_Paris