Summer Solstice and a Time for Letting Go
June 21st is the day when the Sun moves into the emotional water sign of Cancer. It is connected to the Archangel Gabriel, Protector of the South.
It’s a turning point in the year, the longest day when we can receive the most light.
Gabriel is connected to The Summer Solstice. His name means ‘God is my Strength’ or ‘Man of God’ and he is the Angel of hope and revelation, of love and heart connections. His Province is creativity, the arts, emotions.
This is the ideal time to connect with this beautiful energy, especially as Venus, Jupiter and the Moon join together in the sign of Leo in the night time skies this magical weekend. Look to the west after sunset.
“Gabriel is one of two archangels specifically named in the Bible (the other being Michael). In the Old Testament’s Book of Daniel, Gabriel appears to Daniel to help him understand his visions of the future.
In the New Testament’s Gospels, Gabriel appears in the Book of Luke in famous scenes called the Annunciation, because the archangel announces the forthcoming births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.
Gabriel is closely aligned with the Divine feminine situations of pregnancy, birth, and communication.” Wikipedia
I will be celebrating this day in West Sussex in the beautiful house and gardens of Sedgwick Park House with 16 women. You can join us in spirit on June 21st at 17.37pm BST as we perform a letting go ritual.
Letting Go and an Angel Letter
This is a powerful yet very simple exercise.
- Ask who do I need to let go of that I still have a grievance against?
- What painful experinece am I holding onto that is stopping me from moving forward in my life?
There may be many people who have hurt you, many times when your heart was broken.
Take time and write an Angel letter. Write from your Higher Self to the other person’s Higher Self with compassion.
Write what you need to get off your chest to that person.
Allow yourself to feel any unmourned loss, handing the painful feelings over to your Higher Mind.
Maybe you can look back and write about the lessons you’ve learnt from that experience so you can now help others who are going through the same issues?
You may have many people, so write to them all. However this process is not meant to take all day! Be aware that your ego can catch you in over-indulging and wallowing in emotion.
Then either take this paper and burn it, or shred it and throw it into moving water.
Offer this prayer invoking Archangel Gabriel as you do so:-
“I am willing to forgive you and release you in all times, in all lifetimes, all directions and all dimensions”
Letting go will free you, you will become more attractive. It will bring success and happiness into your life.
The Angel Letter was given to me by Ann O ‘Keife who offers marvellous Rune readings. I highly recommend her, see her website www.livinglifefully.net
In the southern hemisphere its the Winter Solstice, so the shortest day celebrating the return of the Light.