The Full Moon in Capricorn usually focuses us on security. The Sun in Cancer is protective, just like the crab with a hard shell, but a soft interior. Cancerians need the security of home, family
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Capricorn New Moon- Commit to the Truth

Capricorn New Moon This Capricorn New Moon in powerful, transformational and serious as it joins Pluto, God of the Underworld and Mercury-which has now retrograded back into Capricorn. This creates a stellium of 4 planets
Read moreUranus square Pluto- Do you Welcome Change?

December 15th sees the 6th exact aspect of Uranus square Pluto. The series of seven began in June 2012 and ends March 2015 but the effect is long lasting. This clash of Uranus square Pluto
Read moreAugust 4th Week Ahead- Mercury in Leo

httpv:// Mercury in Leo is the planet to watch this week. Leo is the sign of royalty, and the shadow is the belief that – as the King – everyone should bow down and worship
Read moreMars into Scorpio
httpv:// Passion Ignites Mars into Scorpio July 26th at 02.25UT (3.25BST) This is a yet another major shift of energy for all 12 signs as Mars is the planet of action. It has been in
Read moreJuly 7th Week Ahead- The Grand Cardinal Cross

Grand Cardinal Cross reactivated by the Sun in Cancer Think back to April. Events then are being re-activated. The trine this week between the Sun, Chiron and Saturn is the perfect time for healing old
Read moreMercury Direct: Astro Week ahead June 30th-July 7th

The main news this week is Mercury direct on Tuesday 1st July at 24 degrees Gemini. At last we end the series of retrogrades of the personal planets that have been with us since January.
Read moreWinter Solstice and Venus Retrograde

The Winter Solstice: Sun into Capricorn Today the winter solstice is the longest night and the shortest day. Its the day when the Sun appears to turn direction and start its journey northward. Its celebrated
Read moreMercury’s Messages for November

Mercury is now moving forward- what messages are you being given? October and early November have been a really difficult time for everyone. A lunar and solar eclipse, Uranus square Pluto for the 4th time,
Read moreSummer Solstice – Change of Direction and the Intensely Emotional June Full Moon

Pam discusses the intensely emotional chart of the Full Moon in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is joined by Jupiter at the last degree of Gemini. Both are close to the Galactic Centre, and the
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