What brings you Joy? The Libra Full Moon is highlighting the ongoing opposition of Jupiter with Uranus. Both these planets like freedom and are future orientated. Jupiter represents the Law and Justice in Libra, the
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Feeling the Buzz? Libra New Moon opposite Uranus

The New Moon in Libra is opposite electrifying Uranus Having a hard time sleeping? Is your mind buzzing with new ideas? A New Moon is the seed for the coming month, so seeing the connections
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This week there are 2 important astrological events:- Mercury goes retrograde in Libra and Saturn changes sign into Sagittarius. We are now between eclipses so there is a strong need to clear patterns from the
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Sun in Libra: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra and October Eclipses Mercury moved into Scorpio on Sunday Sept 28th and since then I have found it difficult to concentrate to write or record the week’s astrology.
Read moreAutumn Equinox and New Moon in Libra

Sun in Libra-Time for Balance Main players this week apart from the Sun, are Mars and Neptune as Mars forms a challenging square to the planet of Dreams and the Divine. Patience is the only
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httpv://youtu.be/Fnis3q_biFw Passion Ignites Mars into Scorpio July 26th at 02.25UT (3.25BST) This is a yet another major shift of energy for all 12 signs as Mars is the planet of action. It has been in
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Grand Cardinal Cross reactivated by the Sun in Cancer Think back to April. Events then are being re-activated. The trine this week between the Sun, Chiron and Saturn is the perfect time for healing old
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Feeling Emotional? At this Full Moon in Cancer, there is a challenging aspect between Mars and Venus. Cancer rules the Moon, so you may be feeling highly emotional and over-sensitive.In my video I briefly describe
Read moreOnce in a Blue Moon. August Full Moon in the Heart of the Lion

[svp]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSjDSixhvRY[/svp] https://www.healingstars.com Once in a Blue Moon. The August Full Moon is the second one in Aquarius. The Sun is now in the Heart of the Lion next to the Royal Star Regulus- known as
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Intense Full Moon as Venus joins the Sun- A new beginning for Love At this Full Moon the energy has shifted from the water element of Pisces to the fiery energy of Aries. Venus now
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