Pisces Full Moon The Full Moon in Pisces on August 29th is a SuperMoon in more ways than one. For the first time it focuses us on Jupiter which has now begun its year long
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Magic in the Air- Awaken to your Miracle

Are you ready for a Miracle? On June 22nd 2015 we have an electrifying connection -a Trine- between Jupiter and Uranus in the fire signs Leo and Aries. Did you know that planets are associated
Read moreAquarius New Moon: Love is in the Air

The Lovers Unite . . . Valentine’s Day may be over but The Lovers- Venus and Mars -join this week, just a couple of days after the Aquarius New Moon when they both move into
Read moreMercury Retrograde in Aquarius: Raising Your Vibration

Mercury in Aquarius-daring to break the rules! There are 2 themes this week. The first is the shift of Venus into the highly empathic sign of Pisces, emphasising the compassion that is needed in the
Read moreSeptember Harvest Moon joins Chiron

Chiron at the Full Moon A full moon always brings emotions to the fore and this one is no exception. Its the last of 5 SuperMoons and also the Harvest Moon. At a Supermoon there
Read moreAugust 4th Week Ahead- Mercury in Leo

httpv://youtu.be/JMO4j-i5iVM Mercury in Leo is the planet to watch this week. Leo is the sign of royalty, and the shadow is the belief that – as the King – everyone should bow down and worship
Read moreJuly 21st Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Scorpio moves direct- Have you been feeling frustrated? The major news this week is Saturn is finally turning direct after 4 months retrograde. Saturn went retrograde on March 3rd at 23 degrees Scorpio
Read moreWinter Solstice and Venus Retrograde

The Winter Solstice: Sun into Capricorn Today the winter solstice is the longest night and the shortest day. Its the day when the Sun appears to turn direction and start its journey northward. Its celebrated
Read moreJupiter in Cancer and the Rare Grand Trine in Water Signs

[svp]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbtbCVEbO4Y[/svp] https://www.healingstars.com This is over an hour long video, rich in content and visuals on Jupiter in Cancer and the Grand Trine in the 3 water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It’s exact on July
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A Change of Fortune Jupiter in Cancer: What does this mean for you? Free PowerPoint presentation on Jupiter into Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio included when you buy a 6 month Transit report. The main
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