The Taurus New Moon connects us to Venus
Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Plus this Taurus New Moon is close to the mystical constellation of the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters.
It also brings Saturn into focus as the Sun opposes Saturn, which becomes exact on 23rd.
Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma. Currently retrograde at 2 degrees Sagittarius, it will re-enter Scorpio between June 15th– September 18th.
If you have Neptune between 28 Scorpio and 4 degrees Sagittarius you will feel this acutely.
Saturn is reality, Neptune the dream. Having Saturn pass over Neptune can create feelings of free floating anxiety, and a sense of meaninglessness and lack of purpose. This is Saturn at its most negative.
The question is:- How well do you handle resistance?
Last week saw Mars oppose Saturn on May 15th. That’s like driving a car with the brakes on. Mars is exalted in Saturn’s sign, and a good example of how effective when we combine these two energies is the strength prduced through weight training.
However Saturn can either crush us or, as in nature, create the diamond.
This week promises to be a creative and constructive time if you use Saturn’s wisdom and discipline and master your resistance.
Listen to the messages that the Universe wants to give you as Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday.
Watch the Moon joining Venus in the night sky on 21st, activating our 6th Chakra for the next month.
Time to tune into your 3rd Eye, your intuition and your inner teacher.
Chiron in Pisces and Rainbow Healing

Today May 18th is the day of the New Moon and Mercury moving retrograde, so this feels like an important message from the ocean and these wonderful creatures. It appeared in my mailbox last week, but i nly had time to read it today. It came from EarthSky. I quote:-
Did you know that whales could produce their own rainbows? “These are rainbows made by drops from the whale’s blowholes rather than the more usual raindrops.
These are true rainbows, not iridescence like the iridescence you sometimes see in clouds. Iridescence can be anywhere but it is most common close to the sun. The colors are disordered and pastel.
Rainbows (at least the everyday ones!) are opposite the sun. Their colors are always in the order red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.”
The rainbow is symbolic of Chiron – The Rainbow Bridge currently travelling through Pisces.
The whale is the power animal called ‘The Record Keeper’ in the Medicine cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.
I quote “Whale medicine people are coded in their DNA to understand that sound frequencies can bring up records in the memories of ancient knowledge. They are also psychically developed and fairly telepathic”.
This is an apt message for Neptune and for the sign of Pisces at this New Moon.
Especially as Venus is in Cancer trining Neptune in Pisces, bringing to the surface deep emotions and compassion in us all.

Free Webinar Mercury Retrograde in Gemini- Healing Neptune’s problems
This webinar is timed a day before Mercury joins Mars and comes close to squaring Neptune for the second time.
Mercury retrograde gets a bad press, but it can offer us a shift in perspective.
Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year and is well known as a bad time with many problems with communications.
Beforehand we are advised to back up our computers and delay buying a new phone/computer, or signing contracts until Mercury moves direct again.
However not all Mercury retrograde periods are the same.
This second retrograde cycle of the year in Mercury’s own sign of Gemini makes a difficult aspect to Neptune, the planet of higher vision that can inspire – or lead us down the garden path of disillusion.
On this webinar discover:-
• What does this Mercury retrograde cycle mean for you?
• Mercury through the houses.
• What are the questions to ask of Mercury?
• Healing Neptune’s problems of sacrifice and the martyr.
DATE AND TIME Tuesday May 26th at 7.30pm BST
Sign up for Free Webinar Mercury Retrograde
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The Whale Rainbows. Read the full story at