Soul Astrologer Pam Carruthers describes the main astrology of the week- the total lunar eclipse and the Grand Fire trine.
This week’s main news is the total lunar eclipse in Aries which activates the Uranus square to Pluto. Libra is the sign of relationships and this full moon eclipse opposite Uranus –planet of revolution and change- may cause break ups.
The Grand fire trine involving Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries, urges us to be inspired and to create what we love from a place of joy. This isn’t always easy as so many of us have suffered from negative criticism as children.
Mercury retrograding in Scorpio and then Libra from Oct 8th until it moves direct on 26th, is emphasising the need for us all to re-evaluate, rethink and revise our relationships both personal and professional.