Free MasterClass: Venus Morning Star and the Descent of the Goddess
An Illustrated Presentation by Soul Astrologer Pam Carruthers.
Venus has been an Evening Star. She is currently invisible from October 19th. On November 2nd she reappears from the Underworld as Venus Morning Star. This is a rebirth.
This is a new synodic cycle in Libra -the first since 1914!
It heralds the principle of Justice, of the Goddess Maat and Truth. Libra is the relationship sign, of balance and partnership. However Libra has a shadow of indecision and because of the need to be liked can give away her power to others in order to keep the peace.
In Shamanic astrology the heliacal rise of Venus connects with the Sumerian myth of Inanna.
Inanna is the Queen of Heaven who descends into the Underworld to visit her sister Ereshkigal to witness the funeral of Ereshkigal’s husband. When she arrives Ereshkigal is furious. This is an act of hubris.
She declares that the upper world goddess has to be treated by the laws of her kingdom, that she be ‘brought naked and bowed low’.
Inanna is stripped of her power and her vestments at 7 Gates and then killed.
Shamanic Rituals
These 7 Gates connect to the 7 chakras.
They are activated in turn from December 3rd 2018 until July 1st 2019 when The Moon and Venus meet once Venus is visible.
Inanna The Goddess descends from Heaven, she surrenders and dies. She sacrifices herself for a deep feminine wisdom, and for atonement.
This is an initiation, a sacred process to meet the dark feminine.
It’s a psychological process to meet the shadow. Ereshkigal symbolizes the destructive/ transformational mysteries of the Underworld.
Join my Venus Morning Star MasterClass to find out more and discover:-
- The 5 Shamanic Overtone Goddess Archetypes- What does this mean and which Tribe do you belong to?
- What does this new synodic cycle bring in?
- Exploring the Goddesses connected to the 5 current Archetypes.
- Understanding the difference between Venus Morning Star and Venus Evening Star-which one are you and what does it mean?
- The 7 Gates of Initiation and the 7 Chakras explored.
- Key dates for the Rituals when the Moon and Venus join in 2018-2019.
- Relationships and Heartbreaks- issues that need healing.
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