Winter Solstice 2017 Sun in Capricorn: It’s a time of completion.

In this beautifully illustrated YouTube video Pam discusses the chart of the Winter Solstice 2017 when the Sun changes sign into Capricorn and joins Saturn which has just moved into Capricorn.
She relates Capricorn to its ruler, Saturn, with its connections to The Hermit and The World in the tarot, with a rutual at the end with affirmations for the Solstice chart.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. It’s represented by Old Father Time, dark, sombre and bleak.
The Winter Solstice 2017 is when the Sun moves into Capricorn. This is a sign of initiation, a Turning Point. It’s because it’s a cardinal sign like the other 3 signs that signify the seasons and the turning points in the year- Aries Spring, Cancer Summer and Libra Autumn.
Saturn demands simplicity, realism and truth wherever it touches our charts.
- Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn is ‘strong’. It offers us a down-to-earth view of the world and being grounded.
- Keywords: old fashioned principles- duty, honour, integrity, reliability, healthy self-discipline.
- Saturn in Capricorn asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles, and to be loyal to these.
- The negative can result in being over cautious, procrastination and enslaving oneself and others.
- A rigid strictness
- Being overly ambitious combined with a fear of failing
- Authoritarian. Being repressed by others.
Watch to the end as Pam offers a Ritual to perform on December 21st for each planet with a relevant affirmation.
Want to know the key dates to watch out for in 2018?
It’s a far better cosmic picture than the last 2 years, there are some big astrological opportunities this year. Want divine guidance on when they happen, and what they mean for you?
Your 2 Personal Astrology Reports for 2018
The 2 Personal Astrology 2018 Reports are worth £45 if bought separately. These reports are based on your date, time and place of birth.
NB. They are both calculated for the same person.
1st Report: SkyLog by Steven Forrest for 12 months
The first report called ‘Sky Log‘ gives you over 80 pages of in-depth predictions for the coming year. This report is based on your transits and secondary progressions. The author Steven Forrest, has a great style and explains clearly and poetically – with no jargon – what the planetary transits signify for you.
2nd Report: Reference Diary by Stephanie Johnson
The second report written by Stephanie Johnson is approx. 20 pages and includes a full colour birth chart and easy bar graph reference for the year. The entries are sorted by the exact date on which each event occurs, with the planets involved.
Happy Solstice,