Magic in the Air
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 21st December 8.17am GMT
- Vedic Astrology and the Galactic Centre: Rare Lunar Eclipse at Winter Solstice
- Archangel Michael and asking the right question
- As above, so below-Wikileaks and Julian Assange arrest
- Festive Special Offer:- Divine Guidance and Inspiration
- Stepping Into Divine Inspiration and Co-Creativity Retreat Workshop Jan 4th/5th
Forgive my lateness in announcing this to you. Mercury is retrograde and I am attuned to its energies. Last night it joined the Sun and I woke in the middle of the night, and found it hard to get back to sleep. You may also be going through feelings of discomfort and unease, as we head into the full moon eclipse. It is however, a perfect time for dreaming, with huge insights being ‘downloaded’ from the centre of the galaxy.
Even though you may read this after the eclipse it holds sway for a month.
The full moon Tuesday December 21st is a Full Moon Eclipse. Then, on the same day we have the Winter Solstice when the Sun seemingly changes direction and returns north. Very soon – thankfully- our days get longer. However this is a time for inner work, for reflection and meditation.
The total lunar eclipse spans about an hour, partial spans about 3 hours, and the entire process spans about 5 hours. These spans reach before and after the peak. Its effect lasts a month and since the Moon is involved, be prepared for some emotional roller coasters. The eclipse pulls in Mars, Mercury and Pluto, so is a dynamic mix and will affect most signs.
The full moon will begin to pass through Earth’s shadow at 6.32 GMT on Tuesday, and will become a total eclipse at 7.40 GMT. Observers will see a much darker moon than usual, while the sky will turn a deep red colour.
The eclipse should reach its maximum at 8.17 GMT, and end at 8.53 GMT.
The last time a lunar eclipse occurred at the Winter Solstice, the Tudors were in power in England in 1638.

This is a very important eclipse as it is close to the Galactic Centre. Many thanks to Sheila Murray for introducing me to fellow Vedic astrologer Sam Geppi. He describes how when we look at the Sun on December 21st we are looking directly back into the center of our galaxy. WOW!
(We are still attuned to the Galactic centre for the next two days)
The vedas tell the story of Rahu and Ketu, which are the two ‘shadow planets’ connected with eclipses and the churning of the cosmic ocean to discover the nectar of immortality. I tell this story to many clients. There are many versions of this and Sam brings a different slant to it.
I highly recommend you taking a look at his fascinating blog and video describing how this eclipse is more powerful as an awakening than the energy of December 2012! Download it for ease of viewing. Link at the end of this blog.
Rahu and Ketu are the Nodes of the Moon. In your birth chart they show where you are obsessed – Rahu- and on a spiritual quest- Ketu. Any planet next to either of these points (or at right angles) is really important for showing your destiny (Rahu) and past life connections (Ketu). My interest in Vedic astrology came about as wanting to know more about eclipses and these nodes of the Moon.
Both Prince William and Kate Middleton are influenced by eclipses. He was born at a solar eclipse, she at a lunar eclipse 6 months earlier. This is partly why they have such a deep soul connection.

Archangel Michael is the Protector of the North, which is the house of winter. His realm is the spirit and dreaming. He brings peace, harmony and global co-operation. His name means ‘Who is like God?’ It’s a question, and he teaches us to learn to ask the right question.
At the full moon the Moon is opposite the Sun, and just like all oppositions will show us our mirror. The Sun is in Sagittarius, the Moon in Gemini. This is a time to face our shadow.
The shadow of Sagittarius has been brought into full prominence over the last 15 years when Pluto traversed this sign. Its righteousness. The rise of fundamentalism was prophesied way back in 1995. Now as the full moon illuminates the moral righteousness as illustrated by Wikileaks versus USA.
Would you rather be right or be happy?
Julian Assange was arrested the very day Mercury joined Pluto in Capricorn. His story and that of Wikileaks is pure Pluto- themes of secrecy, conspiracy, sex and rape, the big money of the banks and the battle for power, are in full prominence. Capricorn is the sign of business and status.
It’s hard not to take sides. However with the full moon in Gemini- the sign of the journalist- it’s important to ask many questions and be vigilant in seeking the truth.
This is a time of year of remembrance and thinking of those we love.
Stephen Levine said: “If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?”Have you left something undone? Now is the time to tend to it. Only now exists.
Divine Guidance and Inspiration SPECIAL OFFER Vedic Astrology Consultation
PLUS ‘Calling All Angels Astrology Report’ for just £55 (Usually £85 for both). Offer ends 5th January 2011.
This is an in-depth Vedic Astrology Consultation that is food for your soul and is combined with a gorgeous Angelic astrology report.
An astrology consultation is a divinely inspired healing experience. Recent consultations have been illuminating and life affirming. Many have touched upon past lives.
Connect with your Angels and Guides
This offer includes a very special report based on your birth chart, focusing on Neptune and your connection with your Angels. At this time of year the earth is quiet and we can tune in to our inner world and the angelic realm. This wonderful report can help you attune to your celestial messengers.

Stepping Into Divine Inspiration and Co-Creativity
The Retreat Workshop you can’t miss!
On the Solar Eclipse January 4th/5th
Venue: Florence House, Seaford, East Sussex
Make 2010 the Year to Remember when you took command of your life and stepped into Divine Inspiration and Co-Creativity with your Higher Mind.
This workshop is perfect for you if:-
- You’re feeling stuck and lacking in direction
- Need time out to restore your soul
- Recognise that by being in a soul group you can make magical connections
- Want to be inspired, have direction, clarity and focus for 2011
We will start the New Year with the spirit of a child’s adventure and:-
- Integrate our shadows and regain lost energy.
- Heal the child within and reclaim our creativity and soul gifts.
- Embrace our Archetypes for the Year.
- Create a new vision for our life in 2011 with a Vision Map. (Bring a variety of magazines or images that inspire you, and a photo of yourself.)
- Celebrate and Choose Love and Miracles
blessings, Pam x
©Copyright Pics and text Pam Carruthers Healing Stars